Ok, I’ve written about ‘political correctness’, loss of even the idea of God within our public buildings, schools, as well as the workplace, but today (12/17/09), there is a story about how the American Medical Association is attacking Santa Claus! That’s right…cute Saint Nick! They are saying that he needs to lose weight, and that he is NOT projecting a healthy image for our kids! Give me another f*&^ing break…will you?
There was a kid who was told to draw a ‘holiday’ themed picture for his classroom work. He drew his rendition of Jesus on the cross. The school said the picture was violent in nature because in stead of circles for eyes, he drew x’s. How that becomes a sign of violence is beyond me. His father has (of course) decided to file suit against the school district.
The crap that is going on in D.C. is making our entire population insane. Nobody seems to care about anyone other than themselves and our government certainly has no concern about what we (the people) actually want. They only care about getting the power they seek, and if possible, retain their jobs so that they can continue to fatten their own cash boxes.
This government and all of its branches won’t be satisfied until they control every phase of life within what used to be the freest country in the world. They control what pandemics we entertain, what utilities we use, what banks can afford to stay in business, what our American made cars are like. They produce entitlements to people to caulk their damned houses…..where the hell is this going?
The congress is ramming legislation down our throats; we have a President who preaches conservation of resources and ‘green’ jobs, green houses, green everything, except green money that has some real value; all the while he is spending millions of our tax dollars globe-trotting on OUR 747, spewing thousands of tons of gases into the atmosphere, while he travels all of the world apologizing for America (as it was before he took it over).
We can no longer say “Merry Christmas”, or Happy Hanukah. We now have to say “happy holiday” so we don’t offend our atheist neighbors, or the Muslims among us, or whatever other belief to which they may subscribe.
Ok, I’ve written about ‘political correctness’, loss of even the idea of God within our public buildings, schools, as well as the workplace, but today (12/17/09), there is a story about how the American Medical Association is attacking Santa Claus! That’s right…cute Saint Nick! They are saying that he needs to lose weight, and that he is NOT projecting a healthy image for our kids! Give me another f*&^ing break…will you?
There was a kid who was told to draw a ‘holiday’ themed picture for his classroom work. He drew his rendition of Jesus on the cross. The school said the picture was violent in nature because in stead of circles for eyes, he drew x’s. How that becomes a sign of violence is beyond me. His father has (of course) decided to file suit against the school district.
The crap that is going on in D.C. is making our entire population insane. Nobody seems to care about anyone other than themselves and our government certainly has no concern about what we (the people) actually want. They only care about getting the power they seek, and if possible, retain their jobs so that they can continue to fatten their own cash boxes.
This government and all of its branches won’t be satisfied until they control every phase of life within what used to be the freest country in the world. They control what pandemics we entertain, what utilities we use, what banks can afford to stay in business, what our American made cars are like. They produce entitlements to people to caulk their damned houses…..where the hell is this going?
The congress is ramming legislation down our throats; we have a President who preaches conservation of resources and ‘green’ jobs, green houses, green everything, except green money that has some real value; all the while he is spending millions of our tax dollars globe-trotting on OUR 747, spewing thousands of tons of gases into the atmosphere, while he travels all of the world apologizing for America (as it was before he took it over).
We can no longer say “Merry Christmas”, or Happy Hanukah. We now have to say “happy holiday” so we don’t offend our atheist neighbors, or the Muslims among us, or whatever other belief to which they may subscribe.
It is time for the American citizens to take our country back!
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