Thursday, December 10, 2009



This year has been a year that should (and will) go down in history as the worst year in the history of the United States for the economy, the attempts from within to destroy our country, and absolutely, the most tainted political machine/administration that I (in my 65 years) have ever witnessed.

On the day (December 10, 2009) when Barack Hussein Obama accepts his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway; he has made the only statement since his election that is based upon truth. He said “there are others who are more deserving of this award than I am”. I couldn’t agree more!

Our country (and many others around the world) have been under attack by Muslim extremists since the early 1990’s and yet we have done little or nothing to restrict their ability to infiltrate our society. We have an administration in Washington that is determined (apparently) to change our country into a socialist country, re-distribute wealth from those who have worked hard to build it and give it to those who have done nothing to deserve it; and that has done incredible harm to our country by offering apologies wherever they travel (for our conduct). There are many countries in the world that would not be free today if it were not for the United States of America.

The administration is the single most invasive government I have ever witnessed during my life, and is made up of many people who are not qualified to serve in government, either by reason of experience, or by their past, and present ideological associations.

We have a Treasury Secretary who evaded his own taxes; we had a green jobs czar who is a proud communist; we have the White house affiliated with ACORN, a group that is not unlike a private organized crime syndicate, and we have the SEIU whose objective it is to “workers of the world unite”. Obama has said that the agenda of SEIU is his agenda (one of the few truths this President has spoken).

Political correctness has taken the place of common sense. While we are at war with Muslim extremists, we continue to allow them to come to our country, take up residences here, and facilitate their recruitment efforts. If we were at war with a single country, or group of countries, would we be granting admission and visas to those enemies?

The unfortunate truth is that since a religion has declared war on us, we must consider persons who subscribe to that religion as potential enemy combatants. While I personally find this distasteful, it may well be necessary if we are to protect ourselves from those who would destroy us. I am not advocating the use of force against all Muslims; rather I am suggesting that we put away the PC and deal with these people as individuals without the government telling us that we can’t do that. If a Muslim is found to be affiliated in any way with a radical group, they should be deported to their own country, or placed on some sort of surveillance if they are American citizens. This becomes necessary because of the fact that there are so many American citizens who have turned to radical Islam and who have plotted to attack us even though they (in some cases) were born in the USA.

We won’t have to worry about the terrorists who would like to gain entry to our country; all we have to do is keep an eye on those who we have welcomed into our midst, those who were born in the United States, and those who become Jihadists while in prison. A recent poll of Muslims in the US showed that 25% of those polled support Jihad and suicide bombing as a method of waging their war against non-Muslims.
And…as for the terrorists we have captured:
Obama decided to close Gitmo. I don’t know why because it is a place offshore where we can detain and interrogate suspected and known terrorists who have been captured. It is a military installation and governed by the rules of war…not political correctness! I was fortunate in that I never had to fight in a war. I would hope that I would have done my duty and taken both defensive and aggressive action against the enemy. I don’t think I could do the things that the Gitmo interrogators had to do to protect us from further attacks, but I am damn glad that we have people who can do the necessary things for our protection.

Now, Obama and his AG, Eric Holder, have decided to be PC in regards to Gitmo and the five terrorists being held there. Going against yet another promise (he would never bring terrorists onto American soil), they have decided to bring the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks (and his 4 assistants) not only onto American soil, but to New York City for a civilian trial. Further, the administration has bestowed all of the protection of the Constitution on these animals; given them the forum they so desperately desire so that they can preach their hatred and ‘justify’ their actions. He (Obama) is once again making an apology for the United States by doing this. He has said that it is important to show the world (yeah, screw the American people) that the United States’ judicial system works. When asked what would happen if the defendants were acquitted of the charges, Eric Holder said: we won’t let them go, we’ll just keep them in jail. What the hell does that say about the American Judicial system? Ok, so we know he was lying when he said that. What does happen if they are acquitted? Are they released onto the streets of New York?
Will Obama fly them back to wherever they came from on his big plane? Will they file suit against the US and collect big judgments and buy houses in New Jersey, or Arizona, or maybe Florida? Perhaps they’ll start a new franchise for motels or convenience stores?
Now, suppose they are convicted: will they get life in prison (where they can recruit hundreds into their cause? Will they get the death penalty and live out their years on taxpayer money while the appeals are filed?

So, in 2009 we (the United States) have voted for and received an administration that has shown its concerns for its position in the world is more important than how America views it; an administration that seems to be driven by PC; an administration that is clearly Socialist in its ideology; is comprised largely of people who have (in the past) or do, harbor desires to destroy our country and who ignore the Constitution that they swore to uphold; who are facilitating the desires of our enemies, and who are spending our country into a situation that will make us subservient to the rest of the world.

God Help Us!

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