There are many issues that have been brought to the attention of the average American since the take over of our government by the Obama administration. I have been thinking about those issues very carefully, and have come up with some suggested ‘changes’ which, if implemented would go a long way towards returning our country to what the founding fathers had in mind.
Do away with political correctness
Political correctness has caused more problems than anything it was ever designed to eliminate. Religious beliefs are under attack (all except Islam) in this country as are displays of such beliefs. I say ‘go back to what we were; a society based upon a belief in God (some Deity…Jesus, God, Jehovah, etc.) and stop governing those beliefs. I strongly believe in the separation of church and state, but this “new world order” thing is demonizing religion of any kind (except Islam).
Political correctness says that we should NOT ‘profile’ people. That is absolutely absurd. Of course we profile people as well as situations within our environment. If we are in a situation we perceive to be threatening, we are ‘profiling’ the situation, and as such those within it. If we are not able to profile, the government is dictating that we are no longer permitted to be aware of our surroundings, including those who might do us harm.
Example #1:
You are walking down a dark street at night and are approached by several black men. They are wearing suits and carrying brief cases. If you immediately assume that they want to do you harm, you may be guilty of ‘racial profiling’. However, if the several black men are wearing pants that hang down to the ground, are all wearing large fake gold chains and medallions, have their hats on backwards, gold teeth blazing; you should probably be alert to the “potential” of being attacked, robbed, and possibly beaten or killed. This means you are being AWARE!
Example #2:
You are in an airport (at the gate) and you notice several Muslim men gathering, laying out their prayer rugs and praying before boarding the flight. You hear them and realize they are saying “Allah is Great” repeatedly in their prayer. If you become concerned, are you racially profiling, or are you simply being aware of the potential threat, especially given the fact that all radical Muslims are dedicated to killing us all? In support of ‘profiling’ I offer this story that appeared in the news today (December 26, 2009):
Authorities Hunt for Clues Behind Foiled Terror Attack on Plane Saturday , December 26, 2009
Police in the U.K. are searching a number of locations in connection with an alleged attempt to blow up a jet carrying 278 people as it landed in Detroit, while authorities meet with a Nigerian banker that may be the father of the suspect. Multiple law enforcement officials identified the suspect in Friday's attempted attack as Nigerian national, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab. He was reportedly an engineering student at London's University College. U.S. authorities claim he has links to Al Qaeda and are working with London Metropolitan police to search addresses with possible connections to the suspected terror attack.Former bank official Alhaji Umaru Mutallab says he traveled from his home in the Nigeria's Muslim-dominated north to meet officials in Abuja, the capital. The elder Mutallab says his son left London to travel, though he did not know where to."I believe he might have been to Yemen, but we are investigating to determine that," Mutallab said. The suspect's family is reportedly wealthy and that the apartment he was living in is in an upscale building.
Mutallab was apprehended by fellow passengers and crew on flight 253, from Amsterdam to Detroit yesterday, as he tried to detonate an incendiary device of powder and liquid strapped to his leg. The mixture failed to explode properly but caught fire, leaving him with third degree burns, the London Times reports. Mutallab has reportedly told investigators he is linked to Al Qaeda and obtained the explosives in Yemen.
One law enforcement official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said Mutallab's name had surfaced earlier on at least one U.S. intelligence database, but he was not on a watch list or a no-fly list.
The bottom line is that the government should not and can not pass laws that govern our very thoughts, fears, or even our prejudices. It is time to put the safety of the American people first. It is far better to have a Muslim group “offended” than several hundred (or even thousand) dead Americans!
Do away with special interest legislation
Require that all new legislation be limited to the subject matter of the title of the legislation. In other words, don’t allow a bill titled “Cap and Trade” to include special interest ‘amendments’ that might provide a given Senator or Congressman with another sweetheart deal for his home town, like bridges to nowhere, stadium deals, union contracts, etc. Additionally, it would be helpful to require that the title of any new bill be fully descriptive of the intent and purpose of the proposed legislation. For example, the so-called Cap and Trade bill should be called the ‘Cap emissions to allow the sale of non-compliance and tax the citizens to pay for all the costs” bill.
Require reviews (every 5 years or so) to identify past legislation that no longer is applicable; and if not applicable, require that the legislation be repealed. There are many laws still ‘on the books’ from 50, 100, 150 years ago.
Take action to preserve our American way of life
We should be taking real and definite steps to stop illegal immigrants from entering our country, and take necessary steps to deport those who are here illegally. There should be NO amnesty for illegal aliens (who under the current political correctness doctrine are known as ‘undocumented residents’) period! While this may seem harsh, it is required if there are to be any Americans who understand, care about, and are willing to fight to preserve the American way of life. Also, as harsh as it might seem, illegals should not get benefits from our health system, school system, or any other social system in place. Illegal Aliens should be prohibited from filing lawsuits against employers or caregivers in this country. Rather than spending the billions of dollars per year we currently spend taking care of these illegal aliens, we should treat each and every one of them to a train ride, automobile ride, Trans-Atlantic oceanic passage, or airplane ticket (all one-way) back to their country of origin once they are found to be in this country illegally. If there are children of an illegal alien who have been born here, they should NOT have automatic citizenship. They should have to apply for it, along with their parents.
Elected offices
While most offices (elected) have terms, not all have limits.
Some Senators hold office for life. The power they collect over the years is overwhelming. They are paid exorbitant amounts of money during (and after) their terms have come to an end. This helps to create the debt that the taxpayers must pay. These benefits are paid regardless of the performance of the official. This type of system promotes the desire to run for office, not to serve the people, but to serve the candidate. How many ‘average wealth’ politicians do you know of? Most politicians end up (if not start out) continuing their profession because of the power they have while in office. Power is something that ‘someone’ is going to have; the key is for the people to have the power to remove those who would abuse it. We do this through the election process.
Unfortunately, not all who should be removed from power are actually removed. This is part of the imperfection of our form of Government, yes, but it is definitely better than other forms of government.
Require that any politician who is adjudicated as guilty of fraud, bribe taking, obstruction of justice, or selling his power for profit be immediately removed from office and prohibit that politician from holding any public office in the future.
5. In an effort to protect our way of life, we should do away with any political correctness, especially as it pertains to the threat from Muslim extremists. These people have declared over and over that they are out to dominate us and our country and we are helping them do it. I don’t think that the Constitution or those who wrote it, were aware of the potential threat from this group of Jihadists. Muslims are told by some of their clerics to “make him your friend and then kill him”. Would our founding fathers have written something to protect those who would kill them? I don’t think so. However, they (wisely) provided for freedom of speech, religious beliefs, for Americans, as a direct result of the oppressive British government which wanted to dominate its subjects and their beliefs. I am quite sure that the founding fathers would have inserted language in that article that would prevent radical Muslims (or any other radical group) from infiltrating, recruiting, and poisoning the world against all that they (the founding fathers) had fought for so gallantly. At the time the constitution was written, it took quite a bit more than a couple of hours to get to our shores and there were no Iphones, Blackberrys, internet, TV, radio being used as tools of indoctrination. The constitution was (and is) not perfect, but it was, and is a great place to start to protect that for which the founding fathers sacrificed so much.
6. Do Not Close Guantanamo! We are in need of a safe, offshore facility to house the enemy that we capture. This latest attack (flight 253) only goes to prove that we are going to be attacked again, and again, by Muslim extremists and GITMO is the perfect place to detain them.
They should all be subject to Military Tribunal, not Courts in the US with all the protections reserved for US citizens. This last idiot, (a 23 year old Nigerian) suffered burns on his legs due to the failure of his bomb (intended to kill 270 innocent travelers). He was taken to one of the best burn centers in the US, and according to his Court appointed attorney (for which we, his enemies pay), he may need skin grafts (also at our expense). He will be tried in a Federal (civilian) court when he has admitted, even bragged about being a member of Al-Queda and his intention to kill as many Americans as possible. Our illustrious president will not even refer to this terrorist as a ‘terrorist’. He still calls him a suspect, or an “isolated extremist.” With all due respect, Mr. President: the man is a TERRORIST! Obama Care will pay all of his medical expenses…hell, Obama may even decide to adopt the terrorist and turn him into a basketball star!
7. We need to elect those who would uphold our constitution and who have the vision and compassion to know when to enhance it. We do NOT need any more politicians who take the oath to uphold, and then totally disregard the founding documents of our great country. We also have no use for elected officials who lie about their background, beliefs, political agenda, experience, place of birth and their past and present political and personal affiliations.
8. In the fall elections of 2010, get rid of all politicians who would “fundamentally change the United States of America”, and replace them with patriots whose roots are in this country and those who believe in the ideals upon which it was built. If it means that (for a time) we have to appear ‘politically incorrect’, or insensitive, or even bigoted, so be it! We are in a war that we did not ask for but one that we had better acknowledge because to ignore this (these attacks) is to surrender. In 2012, we should make sure than Mr. Obama is a one-term president and take steps in the future to NEVER make the same mistake that was made in 2008.
It is truly unfortunate that the world in which we live is so violent and filled with so many who would see the United State of America come to an end. Those people who are “offshore” have forgotten that without the United States of America, many of them would be speaking another language and would be living under totalitarian regimes. Many of those we saved from tyranny have forsaken us; many of those we have given food and medical care train young men to kill us; many of those for whom our young soldiers have given their lives reject us; many of those who move to our shores do so for the sole purpose of destroying us. The single greatest symbol of one nation’s willingness to help those who need it is the Statue of Liberty with her open arms and torch to light the way to freedom.
But, given the way much of the world sees us today perhaps we should consider putting a sign on her saying “KEEP OUT”.
Those who live within our shores; those who so proudly raise flags of the country of their descendants while defiling the American flag, should be told to leave and their citizenship should be revoked. I’m not suggesting that any citizen who disagrees with something in our laws, or who shows his or her disdain for circumstances, or whose exercise of free speech is in contrast to the ‘norm’ should be considered ‘an enemy of the state’.
No, you know who I mean. Those people who come from the Caribbean Nations and so vigorously espouse the greatness of their home country from which they had to flee on boats and rafts; those from African Nations who use our taxes and the American generosity so completely, yet join or form cults that are devoted to the destruction of our country; those from Middle Eastern countries who come to our shores to take advantage of our higher educational facilities, get assistance as a result of American generosity, and then plot against the very country that gave them their education and freedom.
This country was better at spotting and containing our potential enemies during the so-called “Cold War” than we are today when our enemies are far more recognizable.
I’ve seen video of Black Panthers (during the 2008 election) who were standing in full black uniforms in front of polling places with night sticks in hand in an attempt to intimidate voters into voting for Obama. I’ve seen Black Panthers marching in the streets of Philadelphia where they dragged the American Flag along the street while proudly displaying “their” flag. They then placed the American flag on the street and intimidated people into walking on the American Flag to further desecrate it, yelling down with America. I watched in utter disgust as the video showed them burning our flag.
Well, guess what…..if you don’t like America, get the hell out because we don’t want you here.
All of these enemies are visible, identifiable, vocal, and in plain sight. We can either fight these enemies now with legislation and political moves, or we WILL HAVE to fight them later…..and it may not be with words.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009

Ok, I’ve written about ‘political correctness’, loss of even the idea of God within our public buildings, schools, as well as the workplace, but today (12/17/09), there is a story about how the American Medical Association is attacking Santa Claus! That’s right…cute Saint Nick! They are saying that he needs to lose weight, and that he is NOT projecting a healthy image for our kids! Give me another f*&^ing break…will you?
There was a kid who was told to draw a ‘holiday’ themed picture for his classroom work. He drew his rendition of Jesus on the cross. The school said the picture was violent in nature because in stead of circles for eyes, he drew x’s. How that becomes a sign of violence is beyond me. His father has (of course) decided to file suit against the school district.
The crap that is going on in D.C. is making our entire population insane. Nobody seems to care about anyone other than themselves and our government certainly has no concern about what we (the people) actually want. They only care about getting the power they seek, and if possible, retain their jobs so that they can continue to fatten their own cash boxes.
This government and all of its branches won’t be satisfied until they control every phase of life within what used to be the freest country in the world. They control what pandemics we entertain, what utilities we use, what banks can afford to stay in business, what our American made cars are like. They produce entitlements to people to caulk their damned houses…..where the hell is this going?
The congress is ramming legislation down our throats; we have a President who preaches conservation of resources and ‘green’ jobs, green houses, green everything, except green money that has some real value; all the while he is spending millions of our tax dollars globe-trotting on OUR 747, spewing thousands of tons of gases into the atmosphere, while he travels all of the world apologizing for America (as it was before he took it over).
We can no longer say “Merry Christmas”, or Happy Hanukah. We now have to say “happy holiday” so we don’t offend our atheist neighbors, or the Muslims among us, or whatever other belief to which they may subscribe.
Ok, I’ve written about ‘political correctness’, loss of even the idea of God within our public buildings, schools, as well as the workplace, but today (12/17/09), there is a story about how the American Medical Association is attacking Santa Claus! That’s right…cute Saint Nick! They are saying that he needs to lose weight, and that he is NOT projecting a healthy image for our kids! Give me another f*&^ing break…will you?
There was a kid who was told to draw a ‘holiday’ themed picture for his classroom work. He drew his rendition of Jesus on the cross. The school said the picture was violent in nature because in stead of circles for eyes, he drew x’s. How that becomes a sign of violence is beyond me. His father has (of course) decided to file suit against the school district.
The crap that is going on in D.C. is making our entire population insane. Nobody seems to care about anyone other than themselves and our government certainly has no concern about what we (the people) actually want. They only care about getting the power they seek, and if possible, retain their jobs so that they can continue to fatten their own cash boxes.
This government and all of its branches won’t be satisfied until they control every phase of life within what used to be the freest country in the world. They control what pandemics we entertain, what utilities we use, what banks can afford to stay in business, what our American made cars are like. They produce entitlements to people to caulk their damned houses…..where the hell is this going?
The congress is ramming legislation down our throats; we have a President who preaches conservation of resources and ‘green’ jobs, green houses, green everything, except green money that has some real value; all the while he is spending millions of our tax dollars globe-trotting on OUR 747, spewing thousands of tons of gases into the atmosphere, while he travels all of the world apologizing for America (as it was before he took it over).
We can no longer say “Merry Christmas”, or Happy Hanukah. We now have to say “happy holiday” so we don’t offend our atheist neighbors, or the Muslims among us, or whatever other belief to which they may subscribe.
It is time for the American citizens to take our country back!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
This year has been a year that should (and will) go down in history as the worst year in the history of the United States for the economy, the attempts from within to destroy our country, and absolutely, the most tainted political machine/administration that I (in my 65 years) have ever witnessed.
On the day (December 10, 2009) when Barack Hussein Obama accepts his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway; he has made the only statement since his election that is based upon truth. He said “there are others who are more deserving of this award than I am”. I couldn’t agree more!
Our country (and many others around the world) have been under attack by Muslim extremists since the early 1990’s and yet we have done little or nothing to restrict their ability to infiltrate our society. We have an administration in Washington that is determined (apparently) to change our country into a socialist country, re-distribute wealth from those who have worked hard to build it and give it to those who have done nothing to deserve it; and that has done incredible harm to our country by offering apologies wherever they travel (for our conduct). There are many countries in the world that would not be free today if it were not for the United States of America.
The administration is the single most invasive government I have ever witnessed during my life, and is made up of many people who are not qualified to serve in government, either by reason of experience, or by their past, and present ideological associations.
We have a Treasury Secretary who evaded his own taxes; we had a green jobs czar who is a proud communist; we have the White house affiliated with ACORN, a group that is not unlike a private organized crime syndicate, and we have the SEIU whose objective it is to “workers of the world unite”. Obama has said that the agenda of SEIU is his agenda (one of the few truths this President has spoken).
Political correctness has taken the place of common sense. While we are at war with Muslim extremists, we continue to allow them to come to our country, take up residences here, and facilitate their recruitment efforts. If we were at war with a single country, or group of countries, would we be granting admission and visas to those enemies?
The unfortunate truth is that since a religion has declared war on us, we must consider persons who subscribe to that religion as potential enemy combatants. While I personally find this distasteful, it may well be necessary if we are to protect ourselves from those who would destroy us. I am not advocating the use of force against all Muslims; rather I am suggesting that we put away the PC and deal with these people as individuals without the government telling us that we can’t do that. If a Muslim is found to be affiliated in any way with a radical group, they should be deported to their own country, or placed on some sort of surveillance if they are American citizens. This becomes necessary because of the fact that there are so many American citizens who have turned to radical Islam and who have plotted to attack us even though they (in some cases) were born in the USA.
We won’t have to worry about the terrorists who would like to gain entry to our country; all we have to do is keep an eye on those who we have welcomed into our midst, those who were born in the United States, and those who become Jihadists while in prison. A recent poll of Muslims in the US showed that 25% of those polled support Jihad and suicide bombing as a method of waging their war against non-Muslims.
And…as for the terrorists we have captured:
Obama decided to close Gitmo. I don’t know why because it is a place offshore where we can detain and interrogate suspected and known terrorists who have been captured. It is a military installation and governed by the rules of war…not political correctness! I was fortunate in that I never had to fight in a war. I would hope that I would have done my duty and taken both defensive and aggressive action against the enemy. I don’t think I could do the things that the Gitmo interrogators had to do to protect us from further attacks, but I am damn glad that we have people who can do the necessary things for our protection.
Now, Obama and his AG, Eric Holder, have decided to be PC in regards to Gitmo and the five terrorists being held there. Going against yet another promise (he would never bring terrorists onto American soil), they have decided to bring the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks (and his 4 assistants) not only onto American soil, but to New York City for a civilian trial. Further, the administration has bestowed all of the protection of the Constitution on these animals; given them the forum they so desperately desire so that they can preach their hatred and ‘justify’ their actions. He (Obama) is once again making an apology for the United States by doing this. He has said that it is important to show the world (yeah, screw the American people) that the United States’ judicial system works. When asked what would happen if the defendants were acquitted of the charges, Eric Holder said: we won’t let them go, we’ll just keep them in jail. What the hell does that say about the American Judicial system? Ok, so we know he was lying when he said that. What does happen if they are acquitted? Are they released onto the streets of New York?
Will Obama fly them back to wherever they came from on his big plane? Will they file suit against the US and collect big judgments and buy houses in New Jersey, or Arizona, or maybe Florida? Perhaps they’ll start a new franchise for motels or convenience stores?
Now, suppose they are convicted: will they get life in prison (where they can recruit hundreds into their cause? Will they get the death penalty and live out their years on taxpayer money while the appeals are filed?
So, in 2009 we (the United States) have voted for and received an administration that has shown its concerns for its position in the world is more important than how America views it; an administration that seems to be driven by PC; an administration that is clearly Socialist in its ideology; is comprised largely of people who have (in the past) or do, harbor desires to destroy our country and who ignore the Constitution that they swore to uphold; who are facilitating the desires of our enemies, and who are spending our country into a situation that will make us subservient to the rest of the world.
God Help Us!
This year has been a year that should (and will) go down in history as the worst year in the history of the United States for the economy, the attempts from within to destroy our country, and absolutely, the most tainted political machine/administration that I (in my 65 years) have ever witnessed.
On the day (December 10, 2009) when Barack Hussein Obama accepts his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway; he has made the only statement since his election that is based upon truth. He said “there are others who are more deserving of this award than I am”. I couldn’t agree more!
Our country (and many others around the world) have been under attack by Muslim extremists since the early 1990’s and yet we have done little or nothing to restrict their ability to infiltrate our society. We have an administration in Washington that is determined (apparently) to change our country into a socialist country, re-distribute wealth from those who have worked hard to build it and give it to those who have done nothing to deserve it; and that has done incredible harm to our country by offering apologies wherever they travel (for our conduct). There are many countries in the world that would not be free today if it were not for the United States of America.
The administration is the single most invasive government I have ever witnessed during my life, and is made up of many people who are not qualified to serve in government, either by reason of experience, or by their past, and present ideological associations.
We have a Treasury Secretary who evaded his own taxes; we had a green jobs czar who is a proud communist; we have the White house affiliated with ACORN, a group that is not unlike a private organized crime syndicate, and we have the SEIU whose objective it is to “workers of the world unite”. Obama has said that the agenda of SEIU is his agenda (one of the few truths this President has spoken).
Political correctness has taken the place of common sense. While we are at war with Muslim extremists, we continue to allow them to come to our country, take up residences here, and facilitate their recruitment efforts. If we were at war with a single country, or group of countries, would we be granting admission and visas to those enemies?
The unfortunate truth is that since a religion has declared war on us, we must consider persons who subscribe to that religion as potential enemy combatants. While I personally find this distasteful, it may well be necessary if we are to protect ourselves from those who would destroy us. I am not advocating the use of force against all Muslims; rather I am suggesting that we put away the PC and deal with these people as individuals without the government telling us that we can’t do that. If a Muslim is found to be affiliated in any way with a radical group, they should be deported to their own country, or placed on some sort of surveillance if they are American citizens. This becomes necessary because of the fact that there are so many American citizens who have turned to radical Islam and who have plotted to attack us even though they (in some cases) were born in the USA.
We won’t have to worry about the terrorists who would like to gain entry to our country; all we have to do is keep an eye on those who we have welcomed into our midst, those who were born in the United States, and those who become Jihadists while in prison. A recent poll of Muslims in the US showed that 25% of those polled support Jihad and suicide bombing as a method of waging their war against non-Muslims.
And…as for the terrorists we have captured:
Obama decided to close Gitmo. I don’t know why because it is a place offshore where we can detain and interrogate suspected and known terrorists who have been captured. It is a military installation and governed by the rules of war…not political correctness! I was fortunate in that I never had to fight in a war. I would hope that I would have done my duty and taken both defensive and aggressive action against the enemy. I don’t think I could do the things that the Gitmo interrogators had to do to protect us from further attacks, but I am damn glad that we have people who can do the necessary things for our protection.
Now, Obama and his AG, Eric Holder, have decided to be PC in regards to Gitmo and the five terrorists being held there. Going against yet another promise (he would never bring terrorists onto American soil), they have decided to bring the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks (and his 4 assistants) not only onto American soil, but to New York City for a civilian trial. Further, the administration has bestowed all of the protection of the Constitution on these animals; given them the forum they so desperately desire so that they can preach their hatred and ‘justify’ their actions. He (Obama) is once again making an apology for the United States by doing this. He has said that it is important to show the world (yeah, screw the American people) that the United States’ judicial system works. When asked what would happen if the defendants were acquitted of the charges, Eric Holder said: we won’t let them go, we’ll just keep them in jail. What the hell does that say about the American Judicial system? Ok, so we know he was lying when he said that. What does happen if they are acquitted? Are they released onto the streets of New York?
Will Obama fly them back to wherever they came from on his big plane? Will they file suit against the US and collect big judgments and buy houses in New Jersey, or Arizona, or maybe Florida? Perhaps they’ll start a new franchise for motels or convenience stores?
Now, suppose they are convicted: will they get life in prison (where they can recruit hundreds into their cause? Will they get the death penalty and live out their years on taxpayer money while the appeals are filed?
So, in 2009 we (the United States) have voted for and received an administration that has shown its concerns for its position in the world is more important than how America views it; an administration that seems to be driven by PC; an administration that is clearly Socialist in its ideology; is comprised largely of people who have (in the past) or do, harbor desires to destroy our country and who ignore the Constitution that they swore to uphold; who are facilitating the desires of our enemies, and who are spending our country into a situation that will make us subservient to the rest of the world.
God Help Us!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Who started all of this crap anyway? It isn’t new; it has been around for over thirty years in the US. So, why the hell is it so prevalent today? The news is filled with stories of how a Christmas tree, in order to be displayed in public areas, must be ‘re-named’….a “holiday” tree! Atheist groups are protesting the placement of religious symbols and they are winning! Why is it that in order to be politically correct, and not offend the atheists, all of those who do believe in God are made to suffer?
As a Jew, I grew up with all of the Christmas symbolisms and never felt ‘offended’ by them. If I wanted Hanukah decorations, I could put them up without offending my Christian friends and neighbors. This country is traveling a path of social destruction. I say this, if you want a Christmas tree, put one up; if you want a Menorah, put one up; if you want to celebrate Kwanza, do it.
The racial divide (which has been set back 60 years since Obama took office) is now extended to include a religious division as well. I never thought it was offensive to say the Lord’s Prayer, listen to an invocation at a conference, or to watch someone cross themselves when passing a church. As for having these symbols in public places, I say “as long as we are not being forced to observe something in which we do not believe, why not?” As for including every possible symbol….that would be next to impossible. Why not just keep up the traditions that made this country what it was?
Regardless of who started this crap, I can tell you that whoever started it did so to further destroy our culture (our American culture). They are enemies of our culture, society, and our way of life. Our enemies are eating away at us by using our laws against us and religious symbolism is just another form of ammunition for their weapons of “mass corruption”. It is much easier to enslave godless people than people of faith (regardless of the origin or discipline of that faith) and our enemies know this to be true.
So, if they strip away our culture, religion(s), morality, trust in our government, and destroy our dreams, hopes, and aspirations, they will already have conquered us without ever having to fire a shot! This article is NOT about anything other than the preservation of the United States of America, and our way of life, our freedoms, our hopes and desires, and the rights we were provided under our Constitution.
E Pluribus Unum
This is the time for the American people to come together as they did at the very beginning of our country. Our country is under attack from radicals of all cultures, religions, and political doctrine. If we don’t take decisive action to stem this tide of societal mutilation, we will realize (too late) that we have lost parts of our collective body that may leave us crippled and doomed. These radical factions are from within our borders, as well as from other parts of the world. It isn’t just Muslim radicals who want the destruction of our society to occur. There are factions within our own country (home-grown) that want to transform our country into something other than that which we have come to know and cherish.
Think about it; being politically correct requires that no person be offended by another person, symbol, phrase or action. THAT IS COMPLETELY UNATTAINABLE! Politically Correctness is wrong for America when it is used to replace common sense.
As a Jew, I grew up with all of the Christmas symbolisms and never felt ‘offended’ by them. If I wanted Hanukah decorations, I could put them up without offending my Christian friends and neighbors. This country is traveling a path of social destruction. I say this, if you want a Christmas tree, put one up; if you want a Menorah, put one up; if you want to celebrate Kwanza, do it.
The racial divide (which has been set back 60 years since Obama took office) is now extended to include a religious division as well. I never thought it was offensive to say the Lord’s Prayer, listen to an invocation at a conference, or to watch someone cross themselves when passing a church. As for having these symbols in public places, I say “as long as we are not being forced to observe something in which we do not believe, why not?” As for including every possible symbol….that would be next to impossible. Why not just keep up the traditions that made this country what it was?
Regardless of who started this crap, I can tell you that whoever started it did so to further destroy our culture (our American culture). They are enemies of our culture, society, and our way of life. Our enemies are eating away at us by using our laws against us and religious symbolism is just another form of ammunition for their weapons of “mass corruption”. It is much easier to enslave godless people than people of faith (regardless of the origin or discipline of that faith) and our enemies know this to be true.
So, if they strip away our culture, religion(s), morality, trust in our government, and destroy our dreams, hopes, and aspirations, they will already have conquered us without ever having to fire a shot! This article is NOT about anything other than the preservation of the United States of America, and our way of life, our freedoms, our hopes and desires, and the rights we were provided under our Constitution.
E Pluribus Unum
This is the time for the American people to come together as they did at the very beginning of our country. Our country is under attack from radicals of all cultures, religions, and political doctrine. If we don’t take decisive action to stem this tide of societal mutilation, we will realize (too late) that we have lost parts of our collective body that may leave us crippled and doomed. These radical factions are from within our borders, as well as from other parts of the world. It isn’t just Muslim radicals who want the destruction of our society to occur. There are factions within our own country (home-grown) that want to transform our country into something other than that which we have come to know and cherish.
Think about it; being politically correct requires that no person be offended by another person, symbol, phrase or action. THAT IS COMPLETELY UNATTAINABLE! Politically Correctness is wrong for America when it is used to replace common sense.
Friday, November 13, 2009
November 13, 2009
In today’s news, there is a story that is (to me) very disturbing. The story deals with the fact that the Obama administration has decided to bring Khalif Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators to New York to be tried in a civil court. It was also announced that the AG (Eric Holder) has not decided if they will seek the death penalty in these cases. Let’s assume that all of the defendants are found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. That’s 5 times around $30,000 per year of taxpayer’s money pledged to support these pieces of shit for the rest of their lives. Also, by doing this, (regardless of the sentences imposed) we are giving them all a fresh supply of possible converts to their radical form of Islam. This is an outrageous turn of events that (since Obama took office) has become more about water boarding and other forms of “torture” that may have been used on these animals than what they did to our country. Once again, this president and his administration are focusing more on what tactics the United States may have used to protect ourselves rather than what those animals did to us. This is wrong and must stop if we are to exist as the America that was strong, fair, and leader of the free world. Our current government is selling us out, and this is just another example of it.
Why should these animals be tried in a civilian court anyway? They are all enemy combatants and should be tried in a military court. The administration, by trying them in a civilian court, has provided them with all of the protections given US citizens; something to which none of them should have access. Obama also had promised that he would NOT bring Gitmo prisoners to US soil. Another broken promise. How many new converts might these animals get while they are under our roof? It is a fact that more criminals in our prisons/jails convert to Islam than to any other religion during their incarceration. We are providing the venue for this process by bringing them here. We are also subjecting New Yorkers to additional danger from attempts of other terrorists to free these animals during their trial. Regardless of the outcome of this “show”, we are also making these animals martyrs to their followers and supporters. Don’t forget what they did…they arranged for the murder of 3,000 Americans; they attacked us; they did what had never before been done…they succeeded in attacking the United States of America on its’ own continental soil. Why the hell are we concerned about them getting a fair (civilian) trial?
Maybe if we summarily executed them (and the other terrorists like them), we would let the terrorists know that the United States of America is a force to be reckoned with, rather than a politically correct and gutless place that can be exploited and intimidated.
This defendant in this trial will quickly become the (United States) rather than these animals. They will be judging the methods used to extract the information from the terrorists; they will probably suggest that the confessions were ‘coerced’ and are therefore, not admissible in court; they will probably say that the terrorists’ civil rights were violated, etc. etc. They (the defense) might even try for a change of venue stating that the defendants can NOT get a fair trial in New York. This entire move is meant to be another method of “Bush-bashing” in the hope of solidifying the hold the Democrats/Socialists have on this country. It is also a continuation of the political correctness that plagues our society.
Eric Holder just held a press conference to announce that the terrorists will be tried in Federal Court in New York. He touted the announcement as though it was a great thing. The truth of the matter is that these animals will probably not even go to trial for years! Meanwhile, they will be our ‘guests’ in New York. If they were tried in a military court, the trial would probably take place within a year and they could then be executed. We are providing our sworn enemies with the constitutional rights and privileges that should be reserved for our citizens. This is a complete outrage!
How was the attack on 9/11 any different from the attack on 12/7/1941 at Pearl Harbor? We were not in a declared war with Japan, but when they attacked us at Pearl, we immediately declared war on them. That is what George Bush did when the twin towers were attached. He declared war on the terrorists! We ARE at war with terrorists, and have been since 9/11. These terrorists were an integral part of the attacks on our country. It was a sneak attack, deliberately carried out against civilians and our government, and planned for a time when the most damage could be done. These animals are war criminals, and should be tried in a military tribunal, and while I personally don’t know if I could put someone through water boarding, or any other elaborate method of questioning, I am grateful to those who could.
I remember seeing the people jumping out of windows that had been blown out from the impact of the jet liners. People who made a decision to jump (in some cases) 100 stories to their death rather than burn alive in the inferno. I remember seeing the aftermath of the attacks in New York, Pennsylvania, and D.C. I remember the fear that many, many more attacks were to come. I also remember after the attacks, how the American people began to come together against this common enemy.
But, once again, the Obama administration plays to the world stage rather than to this country and its citizens. Obama has never stopped campaigning and the campaign now is to the ‘citizens’ of the world because he hopes that he will become a leader in the new world order after he has finished screwing up this country. He doesn’t want to ‘offend’ Muslims by acknowledging acts of terror, he doesn’t want to offend other governments by being too “American”, but he does NOT care how he offends those of us in this country who are still proud to be Americans, and who have a sense of patriotism and intestinal fortitude to protect our way of life, regardless of the direction from which our enemies approach us. I have a question for those among you who voted for Obama
………………………have you seen enough yet?
In today’s news, there is a story that is (to me) very disturbing. The story deals with the fact that the Obama administration has decided to bring Khalif Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators to New York to be tried in a civil court. It was also announced that the AG (Eric Holder) has not decided if they will seek the death penalty in these cases. Let’s assume that all of the defendants are found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. That’s 5 times around $30,000 per year of taxpayer’s money pledged to support these pieces of shit for the rest of their lives. Also, by doing this, (regardless of the sentences imposed) we are giving them all a fresh supply of possible converts to their radical form of Islam. This is an outrageous turn of events that (since Obama took office) has become more about water boarding and other forms of “torture” that may have been used on these animals than what they did to our country. Once again, this president and his administration are focusing more on what tactics the United States may have used to protect ourselves rather than what those animals did to us. This is wrong and must stop if we are to exist as the America that was strong, fair, and leader of the free world. Our current government is selling us out, and this is just another example of it.
Why should these animals be tried in a civilian court anyway? They are all enemy combatants and should be tried in a military court. The administration, by trying them in a civilian court, has provided them with all of the protections given US citizens; something to which none of them should have access. Obama also had promised that he would NOT bring Gitmo prisoners to US soil. Another broken promise. How many new converts might these animals get while they are under our roof? It is a fact that more criminals in our prisons/jails convert to Islam than to any other religion during their incarceration. We are providing the venue for this process by bringing them here. We are also subjecting New Yorkers to additional danger from attempts of other terrorists to free these animals during their trial. Regardless of the outcome of this “show”, we are also making these animals martyrs to their followers and supporters. Don’t forget what they did…they arranged for the murder of 3,000 Americans; they attacked us; they did what had never before been done…they succeeded in attacking the United States of America on its’ own continental soil. Why the hell are we concerned about them getting a fair (civilian) trial?
Maybe if we summarily executed them (and the other terrorists like them), we would let the terrorists know that the United States of America is a force to be reckoned with, rather than a politically correct and gutless place that can be exploited and intimidated.
This defendant in this trial will quickly become the (United States) rather than these animals. They will be judging the methods used to extract the information from the terrorists; they will probably suggest that the confessions were ‘coerced’ and are therefore, not admissible in court; they will probably say that the terrorists’ civil rights were violated, etc. etc. They (the defense) might even try for a change of venue stating that the defendants can NOT get a fair trial in New York. This entire move is meant to be another method of “Bush-bashing” in the hope of solidifying the hold the Democrats/Socialists have on this country. It is also a continuation of the political correctness that plagues our society.
Eric Holder just held a press conference to announce that the terrorists will be tried in Federal Court in New York. He touted the announcement as though it was a great thing. The truth of the matter is that these animals will probably not even go to trial for years! Meanwhile, they will be our ‘guests’ in New York. If they were tried in a military court, the trial would probably take place within a year and they could then be executed. We are providing our sworn enemies with the constitutional rights and privileges that should be reserved for our citizens. This is a complete outrage!
How was the attack on 9/11 any different from the attack on 12/7/1941 at Pearl Harbor? We were not in a declared war with Japan, but when they attacked us at Pearl, we immediately declared war on them. That is what George Bush did when the twin towers were attached. He declared war on the terrorists! We ARE at war with terrorists, and have been since 9/11. These terrorists were an integral part of the attacks on our country. It was a sneak attack, deliberately carried out against civilians and our government, and planned for a time when the most damage could be done. These animals are war criminals, and should be tried in a military tribunal, and while I personally don’t know if I could put someone through water boarding, or any other elaborate method of questioning, I am grateful to those who could.
I remember seeing the people jumping out of windows that had been blown out from the impact of the jet liners. People who made a decision to jump (in some cases) 100 stories to their death rather than burn alive in the inferno. I remember seeing the aftermath of the attacks in New York, Pennsylvania, and D.C. I remember the fear that many, many more attacks were to come. I also remember after the attacks, how the American people began to come together against this common enemy.
But, once again, the Obama administration plays to the world stage rather than to this country and its citizens. Obama has never stopped campaigning and the campaign now is to the ‘citizens’ of the world because he hopes that he will become a leader in the new world order after he has finished screwing up this country. He doesn’t want to ‘offend’ Muslims by acknowledging acts of terror, he doesn’t want to offend other governments by being too “American”, but he does NOT care how he offends those of us in this country who are still proud to be Americans, and who have a sense of patriotism and intestinal fortitude to protect our way of life, regardless of the direction from which our enemies approach us. I have a question for those among you who voted for Obama
………………………have you seen enough yet?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
November 11, 2009
Last week, when Major Nadid Hasan shot and killed 13 of his fellow soldiers, and wounded 39 others (before being shot by a police officer), the question reared its ugly head, once again. As it turns out, Hasan is, by all descriptions, a ‘devout’ Muslim. He had lectured that Muslims in the US military should all be exempted from serving overseas as conscientious objectors. He was quoted as saying that Muslims love death more than Americans love life. He corresponded with Al-Queda, he stood on a table and shouted “Allahu Akbar:(Allah is great) just before he began shooting. The Obama administration refuses to acknowledge this incident as an act of Terrorism, regardless of all of the evidence presented to this date. When Timothy McVeigh bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City, it was immediately recognized as ‘an act of domestic terrorism’.
Webster says this: Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1795
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
— ter·ror·ist \-ər-ist\ adjective or noun
— ter·ror·is·tic \ˌter-ər-ˈis-tik\ adjective
violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands
So, if we set aside the current ‘requirement’ of applying political correctness, we can see that Hasan is a terrorist, and his act(s) were acts of terror. He (Hasan) thought enough of the Military to enlist and have the taxpayers of this country pay for his education, but when the time came for him to live up to his part of the bargain, he became a terrorist, a traitor, and an enemy combatant. At this point, we (the American taxpayers) get to pay for his medical expenses, his legal defense (although how can one even begin to defend his actions is beyond my understanding), and his ultimate trial. It is the current atmosphere of political correctness that prevented those who were aware of his radical views from removing him from the Military, investigating him more thoroughly, or even considering bringing him up on charges of conspiring with the enemy (as a result of his many emails and conversations with Al-Queda). Some would have accused the Army of ‘profiling’. Would it have been profiling? Of Course, but we engage in profiling every day (as does the government). Let’s see; he is a radical, extremist Muslim, saying that they (Muslims) love death more than we love life, suggested on many occasions that Muslims should in fact ‘kill the infidel’, and spoke against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan many, many times.
And from the news today (11/11/09):
The government counterterrorism investigator familiar with the FBI's review of the Fort Hood case told Fox News that they simply did not have enough evidence to launch an investigation. Though officials discovered Hasan's e-mails to the imam, the investigator said the messages suggested he was seeking "spiritual and religious guidance."
"Had we launched an investigation of Hasan we'd have been crucified," the investigator said, adding that the communications were shared with the "appropriate chains."
But even after the attacks, some have been reluctant to cite religion as a factor, as evidence has mounted that the alleged gunman's Muslim faith was at least a partial factor in the decision to mount the attack.
So, let’s examine this situation: The United States has been attacked by Extremist Muslims who call for death to America. American soldiers are being killed daily by these same people either in direct combat, or through cowardly acts of violence. The people who are doing these things are Muslims with radical views. Hasan is a Muslim with radical views! If it looks like a duck………
We (the US) are NOT engaged in a war against Islam, however, we are engaged in a war against terrorists, most of whom are Muslim. These Muslim extremists are dedicated to the destruction of every society on earth that does NOT adhere to their doctrine. They take a vow to kill the infidels *Main Entry: in·fi·del
Pronunciation: \ˈin-fə-dəl, -fə-ˌdel\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English infidele, from Middle French, from Late Latin infidelis unbelieving, from Latin, unfaithful, from in- + fidelis faithful — more at Date: 15th century
1 : one who is not a Christian or who opposes Christianity2 a : an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion b : one who acknowledges no religious belief3 : a disbeliever in something specified or understood
— infidel adjective
They obviously believe that 2a applies in this case, designating anyone who does not believe in Islam as the only true religion an Infidel, and therefore marked for death.
The question of whether we are at war with Islam should probably be asked of Islam, i.e. is Islam at war with America? If the answer is ‘yes’, then we should be prepared to defend ourselves without the restraints being imposed upon us by those politically correct super-liberals whose agenda is in direct opposition to the Constitution of the United States.
As sad as it may be, we are in a world that REQUIRES us to be even more vigilant than ever with regard to protecting our country and citizens from any threat to our way of life, and/or our freedom. The world court has prosecuted people for engaging in, and/or promoting genocide;
Main Entry: geno·cide
Pronunciation: \ˈje-nə-ˌsīd\
Function: noun
Date: 1944
: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
— geno·cid·al \ˌje-nə-ˈsī-dəl\ adjective
Doesn’t the radical Muslim objective meet the definition above? So what is the answer to this dilemma? Do we simply group all Muslims as terrorists? No, of course not, but we also do NOT hesitate to label a terrorist as a Terrorist, whether from another country, or born in the USA.
Our current president has traveled extensively since taking office. He has repeatedly apologized for the actions of America without ever actually asserting our right to defend ourselves at home, or abroad. He has taken great pains to make sure that the answer to the question (“Is America at war with Islam”) is a resounding “NO”. The real question being asked should be ‘why is Islam at war with America”? The Muslim extremists say that they are at war with us because of the problems in Israel (between the Israelis and Palestinians). We all know that is nothing but an excuse for them to carry out the Jihad against democracy and freedom all over the world. They kill “infidels” all over Europe, in the US, and anywhere else they can reach them. If we don’t do something very soon, they will have the power and ability to reach us (the infidels) no matter where we are on earth. Their objective is world domination and they don’t even hesitate to kill Muslims who don’t bow to their will. They (the extremists) use Islam as a shield.
Our founding fathers wrote that we would be guaranteed our religious freedom. This was written as a direct result of the imposition by the King of England of his religion upon the people (subjects). Much like Iran is today. When America was founded, there was religious diversity among the people, but of course, nothing like we have today. Suppose for example, in 1790, the Catholics in the US, began preaching that all non-Catholics should either embrace their religious beliefs, or be executed. The non-Catholics would have had to defend themselves and their beliefs, as would any of the other denominations that existed at the time. That, of course didn’t happen. However, that is what is happening today around the world. I have nothing against a Muslim unless he or she believes the way the extremists believe and seek to do me, or my country harm. I don’t want to see all Muslims who are here legally put through hell just because they are Muslims. However, I don’t want to be restrained from questioning their intentions or their political views just because they might be offended.
In my early career, I was a financial advisor. Being Jewish, I certainly would not want to be a financial advisor (and Jewish) after the Bernie Madoff case. I think that Muslims who are NOT extremists should be doing more reaching out to the American public than they are doing in light of this type of terrorist act. There is a fundamental lack of trust between so-called westerners and Muslims and always has been. I had a client years ago from Pakistan. He was very polite, well-educated and he was a devout Muslim. He knew I was a Jew but that didn’t seem to keep him from wanting my business advice and help and I had no reason to dislike, or distrust him. He and I spent hours from time to time, having conversations during which he would tell me about the similarities between Islam and Judaism. He was very learned about both religions and told me that rather than being enemies, we were cultural “cousins”. He had a young wife who was very nice also, and two young daughters with her. She was beautiful as were the children. It was after one of those sessions with him during which he told me of the peaceful nature of Islam that he beat his wife so brutally that she called me rather than the police as she felt I would understand their culture after these sessions with her husband. I didn’t contact the police. I did get her medical attention and then began some sessions of my own. I told her about our law and that it was NOT ok for him to beat her. Eventually, she did call the police after a subsequent beating, and this coward left the US and returned to Pakistan. At a meeting with her and her Attorney, she showed us some photos of her husband standing in an embrace with Edi Amin, Momar Khadafi, and some other early terrorists. Did this experience make me hate or distrust all Muslims? No, however, it did teach me that anyone can be smiling, shaking your hand, kissing your brow, and all the while plotting your demise.
I don’t think it is unreasonable for Americans to be cautious regarding the intentions of Muslims, any more than it would be unreasonable to be cautious if walking through East Los Angeles, Harlem, North Philadelphia, or Camden NJ. This cautiousness does not make me a racist; however, I would rather be a suspected racist than a confirmed victim.
November 11, 2009
Last week, when Major Nadid Hasan shot and killed 13 of his fellow soldiers, and wounded 39 others (before being shot by a police officer), the question reared its ugly head, once again. As it turns out, Hasan is, by all descriptions, a ‘devout’ Muslim. He had lectured that Muslims in the US military should all be exempted from serving overseas as conscientious objectors. He was quoted as saying that Muslims love death more than Americans love life. He corresponded with Al-Queda, he stood on a table and shouted “Allahu Akbar:(Allah is great) just before he began shooting. The Obama administration refuses to acknowledge this incident as an act of Terrorism, regardless of all of the evidence presented to this date. When Timothy McVeigh bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City, it was immediately recognized as ‘an act of domestic terrorism’.
Webster says this: Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1795
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
— ter·ror·ist \-ər-ist\ adjective or noun
— ter·ror·is·tic \ˌter-ər-ˈis-tik\ adjective
violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands
So, if we set aside the current ‘requirement’ of applying political correctness, we can see that Hasan is a terrorist, and his act(s) were acts of terror. He (Hasan) thought enough of the Military to enlist and have the taxpayers of this country pay for his education, but when the time came for him to live up to his part of the bargain, he became a terrorist, a traitor, and an enemy combatant. At this point, we (the American taxpayers) get to pay for his medical expenses, his legal defense (although how can one even begin to defend his actions is beyond my understanding), and his ultimate trial. It is the current atmosphere of political correctness that prevented those who were aware of his radical views from removing him from the Military, investigating him more thoroughly, or even considering bringing him up on charges of conspiring with the enemy (as a result of his many emails and conversations with Al-Queda). Some would have accused the Army of ‘profiling’. Would it have been profiling? Of Course, but we engage in profiling every day (as does the government). Let’s see; he is a radical, extremist Muslim, saying that they (Muslims) love death more than we love life, suggested on many occasions that Muslims should in fact ‘kill the infidel’, and spoke against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan many, many times.
And from the news today (11/11/09):
The government counterterrorism investigator familiar with the FBI's review of the Fort Hood case told Fox News that they simply did not have enough evidence to launch an investigation. Though officials discovered Hasan's e-mails to the imam, the investigator said the messages suggested he was seeking "spiritual and religious guidance."
"Had we launched an investigation of Hasan we'd have been crucified," the investigator said, adding that the communications were shared with the "appropriate chains."
But even after the attacks, some have been reluctant to cite religion as a factor, as evidence has mounted that the alleged gunman's Muslim faith was at least a partial factor in the decision to mount the attack.
So, let’s examine this situation: The United States has been attacked by Extremist Muslims who call for death to America. American soldiers are being killed daily by these same people either in direct combat, or through cowardly acts of violence. The people who are doing these things are Muslims with radical views. Hasan is a Muslim with radical views! If it looks like a duck………
We (the US) are NOT engaged in a war against Islam, however, we are engaged in a war against terrorists, most of whom are Muslim. These Muslim extremists are dedicated to the destruction of every society on earth that does NOT adhere to their doctrine. They take a vow to kill the infidels *Main Entry: in·fi·del
Pronunciation: \ˈin-fə-dəl, -fə-ˌdel\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English infidele, from Middle French, from Late Latin infidelis unbelieving, from Latin, unfaithful, from in- + fidelis faithful — more at Date: 15th century
1 : one who is not a Christian or who opposes Christianity2 a : an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion b : one who acknowledges no religious belief3 : a disbeliever in something specified or understood
— infidel adjective
They obviously believe that 2a applies in this case, designating anyone who does not believe in Islam as the only true religion an Infidel, and therefore marked for death.
The question of whether we are at war with Islam should probably be asked of Islam, i.e. is Islam at war with America? If the answer is ‘yes’, then we should be prepared to defend ourselves without the restraints being imposed upon us by those politically correct super-liberals whose agenda is in direct opposition to the Constitution of the United States.
As sad as it may be, we are in a world that REQUIRES us to be even more vigilant than ever with regard to protecting our country and citizens from any threat to our way of life, and/or our freedom. The world court has prosecuted people for engaging in, and/or promoting genocide;
Main Entry: geno·cide
Pronunciation: \ˈje-nə-ˌsīd\
Function: noun
Date: 1944
: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
— geno·cid·al \ˌje-nə-ˈsī-dəl\ adjective
Doesn’t the radical Muslim objective meet the definition above? So what is the answer to this dilemma? Do we simply group all Muslims as terrorists? No, of course not, but we also do NOT hesitate to label a terrorist as a Terrorist, whether from another country, or born in the USA.
Our current president has traveled extensively since taking office. He has repeatedly apologized for the actions of America without ever actually asserting our right to defend ourselves at home, or abroad. He has taken great pains to make sure that the answer to the question (“Is America at war with Islam”) is a resounding “NO”. The real question being asked should be ‘why is Islam at war with America”? The Muslim extremists say that they are at war with us because of the problems in Israel (between the Israelis and Palestinians). We all know that is nothing but an excuse for them to carry out the Jihad against democracy and freedom all over the world. They kill “infidels” all over Europe, in the US, and anywhere else they can reach them. If we don’t do something very soon, they will have the power and ability to reach us (the infidels) no matter where we are on earth. Their objective is world domination and they don’t even hesitate to kill Muslims who don’t bow to their will. They (the extremists) use Islam as a shield.
Our founding fathers wrote that we would be guaranteed our religious freedom. This was written as a direct result of the imposition by the King of England of his religion upon the people (subjects). Much like Iran is today. When America was founded, there was religious diversity among the people, but of course, nothing like we have today. Suppose for example, in 1790, the Catholics in the US, began preaching that all non-Catholics should either embrace their religious beliefs, or be executed. The non-Catholics would have had to defend themselves and their beliefs, as would any of the other denominations that existed at the time. That, of course didn’t happen. However, that is what is happening today around the world. I have nothing against a Muslim unless he or she believes the way the extremists believe and seek to do me, or my country harm. I don’t want to see all Muslims who are here legally put through hell just because they are Muslims. However, I don’t want to be restrained from questioning their intentions or their political views just because they might be offended.
In my early career, I was a financial advisor. Being Jewish, I certainly would not want to be a financial advisor (and Jewish) after the Bernie Madoff case. I think that Muslims who are NOT extremists should be doing more reaching out to the American public than they are doing in light of this type of terrorist act. There is a fundamental lack of trust between so-called westerners and Muslims and always has been. I had a client years ago from Pakistan. He was very polite, well-educated and he was a devout Muslim. He knew I was a Jew but that didn’t seem to keep him from wanting my business advice and help and I had no reason to dislike, or distrust him. He and I spent hours from time to time, having conversations during which he would tell me about the similarities between Islam and Judaism. He was very learned about both religions and told me that rather than being enemies, we were cultural “cousins”. He had a young wife who was very nice also, and two young daughters with her. She was beautiful as were the children. It was after one of those sessions with him during which he told me of the peaceful nature of Islam that he beat his wife so brutally that she called me rather than the police as she felt I would understand their culture after these sessions with her husband. I didn’t contact the police. I did get her medical attention and then began some sessions of my own. I told her about our law and that it was NOT ok for him to beat her. Eventually, she did call the police after a subsequent beating, and this coward left the US and returned to Pakistan. At a meeting with her and her Attorney, she showed us some photos of her husband standing in an embrace with Edi Amin, Momar Khadafi, and some other early terrorists. Did this experience make me hate or distrust all Muslims? No, however, it did teach me that anyone can be smiling, shaking your hand, kissing your brow, and all the while plotting your demise.
I don’t think it is unreasonable for Americans to be cautious regarding the intentions of Muslims, any more than it would be unreasonable to be cautious if walking through East Los Angeles, Harlem, North Philadelphia, or Camden NJ. This cautiousness does not make me a racist; however, I would rather be a suspected racist than a confirmed victim.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Indoctrinating our Children
There has been alot of news lately regarding Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and his agenda for his country. I used to visit Venezuela frequently before Chavez' rise to power. It is a beautiful country with wonderful people. He ran for election on a platform of "change". He won, and he changed Venezuela into a "castro-like" society, complete with travel restrictions, re-distribution of wealth, and now he announced that all children in Venezuela are going to be taught the value of socialism from first grade through their college years. As an American, I shutter when I hear this since in this country, politics were never a part of the curriculum, (at least not the indoctrination of children to a particular set of ideals). Today, the internet is 'buzzing' with a video of some very young children (proably 5-6 years of age), being led in a song praising Barack Hussein Obama!
I don't think there is anything wrong with children being taught to respect the man (and the office), but to lead/coach them in singing praises of the "MAN" to the tune of a religious song (done in rap) and substituting the name "Jesus" with "Barack Hussein Obama" is taking this way too far!
I have no children in school anywhere (my child is an adult); but if I did have a child in a school that was engaging in this obvious attempt at a form of brain-washing, I would remove my child from that school, without hesitation!
Come on America; wake the hell up! The last 9 months have shown a much clearer picture of the intentions of this administration, and they are fundamentally opposed to the Constitution of the United States, the intentions of those brave souls who took the risk of forming this 'more perfect union'; and eveything for which our brave young men and women have fought throughout our history. This is the time to take a stand for America and repeat:
I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands
One nation, under GOD
with Liberty, and justice for all
Teach the kids about the founding fathers, the constitution, the sacrifices made by those who have sacrificed everything to be free. At the beginning, the Continental Congress wanted to bestow the title "Excellency" on George Washington. He refused saying that "we hold no man above any other".
Follow his lead, and prevent them from teaching your children to sing the praise of ANY man, including Barack Hussein Obama!
I don't think there is anything wrong with children being taught to respect the man (and the office), but to lead/coach them in singing praises of the "MAN" to the tune of a religious song (done in rap) and substituting the name "Jesus" with "Barack Hussein Obama" is taking this way too far!
I have no children in school anywhere (my child is an adult); but if I did have a child in a school that was engaging in this obvious attempt at a form of brain-washing, I would remove my child from that school, without hesitation!
Come on America; wake the hell up! The last 9 months have shown a much clearer picture of the intentions of this administration, and they are fundamentally opposed to the Constitution of the United States, the intentions of those brave souls who took the risk of forming this 'more perfect union'; and eveything for which our brave young men and women have fought throughout our history. This is the time to take a stand for America and repeat:
I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands
One nation, under GOD
with Liberty, and justice for all
Teach the kids about the founding fathers, the constitution, the sacrifices made by those who have sacrificed everything to be free. At the beginning, the Continental Congress wanted to bestow the title "Excellency" on George Washington. He refused saying that "we hold no man above any other".
Follow his lead, and prevent them from teaching your children to sing the praise of ANY man, including Barack Hussein Obama!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Are there any Americans Left?
Having grown up in the 1950’s, I was very much aware of the discrimination that abounded in this country. I myself was subjected to discrimination (I am a Jew). I can remember being excluded from the nearby swim club due to my religious background. There were signs posted saying, “NO JEWS – NO NEGROS – N O DOGS” (in that order).
I often had to fight my way to and from school, respond to discriminatory remarks, and be made to feel like less of a person because I am Jewish. I was offended by this, and felt the same way for those friends of mine who were Negro (that is what black people wanted to be called back then).
In the 1960’s, I was repeatedly passed over for promotion in my chosen career because as an Insurance salesman, I refused to answer question regarding race on insurance applications. The application stated that answering those questions was NOT mandatory; however, the powers at the top must have felt that the “token Jew” was being too defiant in not answering those questions.
When the Civil Rights act was fully implemented, I was delighted as I had marched with my Negro friends so that they could be “EQUAL”. At that point, as citizens of this country we could all be simply “Americans”; equal in all things and opportunities, protected from discrimination due to our skin color, ethnic background, or religious convictions.
Then, sometime later, some Black (used to be Negro) leaders decided that they (Blacks) should hereinafter be described as “Black Americans”. I had fought along side my friends so that they could simply be described as “Americans”. Then, those whose ethnicity is linked to China, Korea, etc. made themselves known now as “Asian Americans”, utilizing an entire continent in their label. I suppose they were not REALLY interested in being simply known as “Americans”, either. Those with a Hispanic background followed suit quickly by naming themselves “Hispanic Americans” (note that the Hispanic population didn’t have a particular continent, so they used their ethnicity to identify themselves).
At this point, the ‘Black-Americans’, decided that they needed an even MORE distinctive label, so they named themselves “African-American”, following the lead of the “Asian-Americans” in encompassing an entire continent in their definition. I wonder, are Black British citizens called “African-British”?, how about in France…”African-French”? What is the purpose of this labeling anyway? Why did so many people, (including Martin Luther King) fight for the right to be equal, only to insist that they be labeled differently from all other citizens?
The racial situation in this country has been on a decline since the Civil Rights Act. Affirmative action was needed in the very beginning (to get things started), but it has long outlived its use, or need. In the last several years, this program has caused more damage than it had ever done of a positive nature.
I have witnessed a ‘reversal of fortune’ as it applies to racial equality in this country. I fought for, and defended the Civil Rights movement so that all American citizens would be known simply as “Americans”, and so that all citizens would be afforded the same opportunities, education, and advantages available to all Americans, regardless of their cultural, religious, or ethic backgrounds.
Why have the very same people for whom I fought, marched, and provided support forsaken my efforts on their behalf? Why don’t they still want to simply be equal? Why do they find it necessary to separate themselves from the rest of us?
It is my expressed opinion that if you are born in the United States, you are an American. If you emigrate here, and become a citizen, you become an American. This is true no matter what color your skin, religious conviction to which you subscribe, or where you parents, grand-parents, or distant ancestors were from. If you want what YOU AND I struggled for in the 1950’s and 1960’; be proud to be known simply as an AMERICAN!
I often had to fight my way to and from school, respond to discriminatory remarks, and be made to feel like less of a person because I am Jewish. I was offended by this, and felt the same way for those friends of mine who were Negro (that is what black people wanted to be called back then).
In the 1960’s, I was repeatedly passed over for promotion in my chosen career because as an Insurance salesman, I refused to answer question regarding race on insurance applications. The application stated that answering those questions was NOT mandatory; however, the powers at the top must have felt that the “token Jew” was being too defiant in not answering those questions.
When the Civil Rights act was fully implemented, I was delighted as I had marched with my Negro friends so that they could be “EQUAL”. At that point, as citizens of this country we could all be simply “Americans”; equal in all things and opportunities, protected from discrimination due to our skin color, ethnic background, or religious convictions.
Then, sometime later, some Black (used to be Negro) leaders decided that they (Blacks) should hereinafter be described as “Black Americans”. I had fought along side my friends so that they could simply be described as “Americans”. Then, those whose ethnicity is linked to China, Korea, etc. made themselves known now as “Asian Americans”, utilizing an entire continent in their label. I suppose they were not REALLY interested in being simply known as “Americans”, either. Those with a Hispanic background followed suit quickly by naming themselves “Hispanic Americans” (note that the Hispanic population didn’t have a particular continent, so they used their ethnicity to identify themselves).
At this point, the ‘Black-Americans’, decided that they needed an even MORE distinctive label, so they named themselves “African-American”, following the lead of the “Asian-Americans” in encompassing an entire continent in their definition. I wonder, are Black British citizens called “African-British”?, how about in France…”African-French”? What is the purpose of this labeling anyway? Why did so many people, (including Martin Luther King) fight for the right to be equal, only to insist that they be labeled differently from all other citizens?
The racial situation in this country has been on a decline since the Civil Rights Act. Affirmative action was needed in the very beginning (to get things started), but it has long outlived its use, or need. In the last several years, this program has caused more damage than it had ever done of a positive nature.
I have witnessed a ‘reversal of fortune’ as it applies to racial equality in this country. I fought for, and defended the Civil Rights movement so that all American citizens would be known simply as “Americans”, and so that all citizens would be afforded the same opportunities, education, and advantages available to all Americans, regardless of their cultural, religious, or ethic backgrounds.
Why have the very same people for whom I fought, marched, and provided support forsaken my efforts on their behalf? Why don’t they still want to simply be equal? Why do they find it necessary to separate themselves from the rest of us?
It is my expressed opinion that if you are born in the United States, you are an American. If you emigrate here, and become a citizen, you become an American. This is true no matter what color your skin, religious conviction to which you subscribe, or where you parents, grand-parents, or distant ancestors were from. If you want what YOU AND I struggled for in the 1950’s and 1960’; be proud to be known simply as an AMERICAN!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Proud to be an American
I was born in Philadelphia, Pa. on August 6, 1944 to white, Jewish parents. We lived in the suburbs of Philadelphia (Upper Darby) in a mostly white, German-Irish neighborhood. There were four Jewish families on our street of about 100 row homes.
The schools I attended had an ethnic makeup similar to the street on which we lived.
There were only a few Black kids in our schools at that time. They (the black kids) were the only ethnic group whose numbers were smaller than those of us who were Jews. I can’t remember any racism among the Jews or the Black families. There were racists among us, but there was never any real ‘trouble’ as a result of it.
I can remember not being allowed to join the local swim and tennis club because there was a sign there which read…”No Jews allowed”. I remember being stalked by the Nazi sympathizers and frequently being attacked by them on my way to and from school. I remember not being invited to parties because I was Jewish.
In high school, there was a requirement that all juniors and seniors had to sell some magazines (or candy or some other shit) to benefit a scholarship fund. I looked into the charter of this fund and found that Jews, Blacks, and Italians were excluded from eligibility due to their respective ethnic backgrounds. Having discovered this, I refused to participate and was threatened with suspension. I took the suspension and wrote an article about the prejudice and sent it to the local paper.
When I got older, I can remember being passed over for jobs, or promotions due to being a Jew. I remember offering to share my office with the only Black man hired by the company. We were referred to as ‘salt and pepper’. We became great friends. There was no bigotry between us; no prejudice…the only difference was the color of our skin.
My point…….I have been the subject of prejudice; I have been refused entry to a club or location due to being Jewish; I have been attacked simply because I am a Jew; I have been denied my rightful positions or promotions simply because I am a Jew. My ancestors were imprisoned and murdered simply because they were Jews. What I and others like me had to do was to “GET OVER IT”. I am no longer refused entry somewhere because I am a Jew; I didn’t like getting passed over so I started my own business; While I haven’t forgotten about the Holocaust and the insults, attacks, and pain I suffered as a child, I don’t carry anything on my shoulder as a result of those experiences.
I am aware that racism exists in our country and always has, and unfortunately, probably always will. When racism is supported on a ‘wholesale’ level, it is more of a problem than when it is supported only by the ignorant few. Today, I am noticing that the
black-white race problems are being perpetuated and enhanced mainly by the black population. If we are to rid ourselves of racism, we must rid ourselves of every organized
group that promotes such racism. We must ALL GET OVER IT!
Some groups that should be abolished:
American Nazi’s
Klu Klux Klan
United Negro College Fund
Black Entertainment TV
We also have to begin recognizing true success (not simply monetary success) in this country and reward those who strive to participate in the “American dream” through hard, honest work. We have to stop rewarding criminals by giving them their 15 minutes of fame; allowing them to profit as a result of their crimes (book deals, movies, etc.), we have to rid ourselves of politicians who take bribes or make self-serving and personally rewarding deals at the expense of our citizens. We must insist on honesty and integrity from our ‘free press’ including TV news corporations; we should prosecute anyone and everyone who commits acts of fraud against society, including politicians who participate in and promote ‘schemes’ that they know will damage our economy and our citizens. In other words, we have to re-kindle the values that once made this country a great place to live.
The cost of ignoring what is currently happening in this country; both socially and politically will be the end of America as we knew it. Allowing the government to permit more poor and un-educated aliens into this country who make little or no contribution to our society is just another method of ‘diluting’ the American population. When it has been sufficiently diluted, it will be much easier for those who would take over our country to control the population. History has proven that it is much easier to control a poor, un-educated population than it is to try to control an educated, affluent society.
We have to be wary of bailouts as well as the methods used by the greedy to run the largest corporations in America. The ‘loans’ can turn into ‘investments’ very quickly, and all of a sudden these corporations are ‘owned’ by the government.
It is my opinion that any executive who knowingly acts in a less than a fiscally responsible manner (including purchasing or leasing airplanes, yachts, etc.) should be held accountable. They should have to repay funds acquired through abuses and should be prosecuted for actions that are based upon fraud. However, if an executive has done an outstanding job, and paying a bonus or perks (no matter what the value) does not hurt the stock holders or the company, they should be so rewarded. That is called “CAPTIALISM”.
Years ago, I would listen to the news. It was John Chancellor, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley or Walter Cronkite. You could believe what they were reporting because they simply (and articulately) reported what happened. When they wanted to offer an opinion, it was called “commentary”, and you knew that what was being said was the opinion of the commentator. Today, everything seems to be covert commentary, shrouded in a cloak of ‘reporting the news’. Our first amendment protects the rights of people and groups such as the Nazi’s, Rev. Wright, KKK, but it seems not to be very effective when it comes to the citizens getting the straight news. Networks, Newspapers, and journals
can now be identified by their respective party affiliations.
When things changed for me personally and I could join the swim club, was offered the job which I had been denied (for being a Jew), I simply joined the swim club and turned down the job offer, and I did so quietly, respectfully, and without sarcasm, repercussion, or indignity towards those who had previously denied me my rights. In other words, if you are Black, be happy that you are no longer repressed and have the opportunity to better yourself and contribute to society. If you are Hispanic or Asian or whatever, do the same, and do it with dignity and without repercussion or sarcasm. Deny the pulpit to those educated “Thugs” who would perpetuate the very atmosphere that caused the divide in the first place. If you want “America” to recognize you as a contributing part of the society; be a contributing part of it, and of America itself. Learn and speak our language rather than making us learn yours. Get a job rather than going on welfare. Grow or purchase food rather than applying for food stamps. Don’t have more children than you can support so that you can increase your ‘take’ from our system via welfare. Buy health insurance (like the rest of us) so that those of us who play by the rules no longer have to support you and your family and enable your lack of respect, ambition, and integrity. Become a citizen if you want to live here and raise your children here, pay taxes, obey the law and work for that which you claim motivated you to come here in the first place…..or get the hell out!
Subject: From a Cuban, READ VERY SLOWLY... This is really insightful!
'C H A N G E'
From Richmond Times-Dispatch, Monday, July 7, 2008 ~
Dear Editor, 'Times-Dispatch' ,
Each year I get to celebrate Independence Day twice. On June 30 I celebrate my independence day, and on July 4 I celebrate America's. This year is special, because it marks the 40th anniversary of my independence.
On June 30, 1968, I escaped Communist Cuba, and a few months later, I was in the United States to stay. That I happened to arrive in Richmond on Thanksgiving Day is just part of the story, but I digress.
I've thought a lot about the anniversary this year. The election-year rhetoric has made me think a lot about Cuba and what transpired there. In the late 1950s, most Cubans thought Cuba needed a change, and they were right. So when a young leader came along, every Cuban was at least receptive. When the young leader spoke eloquently and passionately and denounced the old system, the press fell in love with him. They never questioned who his friends were or what he really believed in. When he said he would help the farmers and the poor and bring free medical care and education to all, everyone followed. When he said he would bring justice and equality to all, everyone said, 'Praise the Lord.'
And when the young leader said, 'I will be for change and I'll bring you change'; everyone yelled, 'Viva Fidel!'
But nobody asked about the change, so by the time the executioner's guns went silent, the people's guns had been taken away. By the time everyone was equal, they were equally poor, hungry, and oppressed. By the time everyone received their free education, it was worth nothing. By the time the press noticed, it was too late, because they were now working for him. By the time the change was finally implemented, Cuba had been knocked down a couple of notches to Third-World status. By the time the change was over, more than a million people had taken to boats, rafts, and inner tubes You can call those who made it ashore anywhere else in the world the most fortunate Cubans. And now I'm back to the beginning of my story.
Luckily, we would never fall in America for a young leader who promised change without asking, what change? How will you carry it out? What will it cost America?
'C H A N G E'
Would we?
Manuel Alvarez, Jr.
He (Fidel, the Cuban Messiah of the 50’s) made promises to help the poor, re-distribute wealth and make a better country.
He lied!
I was born in Philadelphia, Pa. on August 6, 1944 to white, Jewish parents. We lived in the suburbs of Philadelphia (Upper Darby) in a mostly white, German-Irish neighborhood. There were four Jewish families on our street of about 100 row homes.
The schools I attended had an ethnic makeup similar to the street on which we lived.
There were only a few Black kids in our schools at that time. They (the black kids) were the only ethnic group whose numbers were smaller than those of us who were Jews. I can’t remember any racism among the Jews or the Black families. There were racists among us, but there was never any real ‘trouble’ as a result of it.
I can remember not being allowed to join the local swim and tennis club because there was a sign there which read…”No Jews allowed”. I remember being stalked by the Nazi sympathizers and frequently being attacked by them on my way to and from school. I remember not being invited to parties because I was Jewish.
In high school, there was a requirement that all juniors and seniors had to sell some magazines (or candy or some other shit) to benefit a scholarship fund. I looked into the charter of this fund and found that Jews, Blacks, and Italians were excluded from eligibility due to their respective ethnic backgrounds. Having discovered this, I refused to participate and was threatened with suspension. I took the suspension and wrote an article about the prejudice and sent it to the local paper.
When I got older, I can remember being passed over for jobs, or promotions due to being a Jew. I remember offering to share my office with the only Black man hired by the company. We were referred to as ‘salt and pepper’. We became great friends. There was no bigotry between us; no prejudice…the only difference was the color of our skin.
My point…….I have been the subject of prejudice; I have been refused entry to a club or location due to being Jewish; I have been attacked simply because I am a Jew; I have been denied my rightful positions or promotions simply because I am a Jew. My ancestors were imprisoned and murdered simply because they were Jews. What I and others like me had to do was to “GET OVER IT”. I am no longer refused entry somewhere because I am a Jew; I didn’t like getting passed over so I started my own business; While I haven’t forgotten about the Holocaust and the insults, attacks, and pain I suffered as a child, I don’t carry anything on my shoulder as a result of those experiences.
I am aware that racism exists in our country and always has, and unfortunately, probably always will. When racism is supported on a ‘wholesale’ level, it is more of a problem than when it is supported only by the ignorant few. Today, I am noticing that the
black-white race problems are being perpetuated and enhanced mainly by the black population. If we are to rid ourselves of racism, we must rid ourselves of every organized
group that promotes such racism. We must ALL GET OVER IT!
Some groups that should be abolished:
American Nazi’s
Klu Klux Klan
United Negro College Fund
Black Entertainment TV
We also have to begin recognizing true success (not simply monetary success) in this country and reward those who strive to participate in the “American dream” through hard, honest work. We have to stop rewarding criminals by giving them their 15 minutes of fame; allowing them to profit as a result of their crimes (book deals, movies, etc.), we have to rid ourselves of politicians who take bribes or make self-serving and personally rewarding deals at the expense of our citizens. We must insist on honesty and integrity from our ‘free press’ including TV news corporations; we should prosecute anyone and everyone who commits acts of fraud against society, including politicians who participate in and promote ‘schemes’ that they know will damage our economy and our citizens. In other words, we have to re-kindle the values that once made this country a great place to live.
The cost of ignoring what is currently happening in this country; both socially and politically will be the end of America as we knew it. Allowing the government to permit more poor and un-educated aliens into this country who make little or no contribution to our society is just another method of ‘diluting’ the American population. When it has been sufficiently diluted, it will be much easier for those who would take over our country to control the population. History has proven that it is much easier to control a poor, un-educated population than it is to try to control an educated, affluent society.
We have to be wary of bailouts as well as the methods used by the greedy to run the largest corporations in America. The ‘loans’ can turn into ‘investments’ very quickly, and all of a sudden these corporations are ‘owned’ by the government.
It is my opinion that any executive who knowingly acts in a less than a fiscally responsible manner (including purchasing or leasing airplanes, yachts, etc.) should be held accountable. They should have to repay funds acquired through abuses and should be prosecuted for actions that are based upon fraud. However, if an executive has done an outstanding job, and paying a bonus or perks (no matter what the value) does not hurt the stock holders or the company, they should be so rewarded. That is called “CAPTIALISM”.
Years ago, I would listen to the news. It was John Chancellor, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley or Walter Cronkite. You could believe what they were reporting because they simply (and articulately) reported what happened. When they wanted to offer an opinion, it was called “commentary”, and you knew that what was being said was the opinion of the commentator. Today, everything seems to be covert commentary, shrouded in a cloak of ‘reporting the news’. Our first amendment protects the rights of people and groups such as the Nazi’s, Rev. Wright, KKK, but it seems not to be very effective when it comes to the citizens getting the straight news. Networks, Newspapers, and journals
can now be identified by their respective party affiliations.
When things changed for me personally and I could join the swim club, was offered the job which I had been denied (for being a Jew), I simply joined the swim club and turned down the job offer, and I did so quietly, respectfully, and without sarcasm, repercussion, or indignity towards those who had previously denied me my rights. In other words, if you are Black, be happy that you are no longer repressed and have the opportunity to better yourself and contribute to society. If you are Hispanic or Asian or whatever, do the same, and do it with dignity and without repercussion or sarcasm. Deny the pulpit to those educated “Thugs” who would perpetuate the very atmosphere that caused the divide in the first place. If you want “America” to recognize you as a contributing part of the society; be a contributing part of it, and of America itself. Learn and speak our language rather than making us learn yours. Get a job rather than going on welfare. Grow or purchase food rather than applying for food stamps. Don’t have more children than you can support so that you can increase your ‘take’ from our system via welfare. Buy health insurance (like the rest of us) so that those of us who play by the rules no longer have to support you and your family and enable your lack of respect, ambition, and integrity. Become a citizen if you want to live here and raise your children here, pay taxes, obey the law and work for that which you claim motivated you to come here in the first place…..or get the hell out!
Subject: From a Cuban, READ VERY SLOWLY... This is really insightful!
'C H A N G E'
From Richmond Times-Dispatch, Monday, July 7, 2008 ~
Dear Editor, 'Times-Dispatch' ,
Each year I get to celebrate Independence Day twice. On June 30 I celebrate my independence day, and on July 4 I celebrate America's. This year is special, because it marks the 40th anniversary of my independence.
On June 30, 1968, I escaped Communist Cuba, and a few months later, I was in the United States to stay. That I happened to arrive in Richmond on Thanksgiving Day is just part of the story, but I digress.
I've thought a lot about the anniversary this year. The election-year rhetoric has made me think a lot about Cuba and what transpired there. In the late 1950s, most Cubans thought Cuba needed a change, and they were right. So when a young leader came along, every Cuban was at least receptive. When the young leader spoke eloquently and passionately and denounced the old system, the press fell in love with him. They never questioned who his friends were or what he really believed in. When he said he would help the farmers and the poor and bring free medical care and education to all, everyone followed. When he said he would bring justice and equality to all, everyone said, 'Praise the Lord.'
And when the young leader said, 'I will be for change and I'll bring you change'; everyone yelled, 'Viva Fidel!'
But nobody asked about the change, so by the time the executioner's guns went silent, the people's guns had been taken away. By the time everyone was equal, they were equally poor, hungry, and oppressed. By the time everyone received their free education, it was worth nothing. By the time the press noticed, it was too late, because they were now working for him. By the time the change was finally implemented, Cuba had been knocked down a couple of notches to Third-World status. By the time the change was over, more than a million people had taken to boats, rafts, and inner tubes You can call those who made it ashore anywhere else in the world the most fortunate Cubans. And now I'm back to the beginning of my story.
Luckily, we would never fall in America for a young leader who promised change without asking, what change? How will you carry it out? What will it cost America?
'C H A N G E'
Would we?
Manuel Alvarez, Jr.
He (Fidel, the Cuban Messiah of the 50’s) made promises to help the poor, re-distribute wealth and make a better country.
He lied!
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