Tuesday, December 29, 2009


There are many issues that have been brought to the attention of the average American since the take over of our government by the Obama administration. I have been thinking about those issues very carefully, and have come up with some suggested ‘changes’ which, if implemented would go a long way towards returning our country to what the founding fathers had in mind.

Do away with political correctness
Political correctness has caused more problems than anything it was ever designed to eliminate. Religious beliefs are under attack (all except Islam) in this country as are displays of such beliefs. I say ‘go back to what we were; a society based upon a belief in God (some Deity…Jesus, God, Jehovah, etc.) and stop governing those beliefs. I strongly believe in the separation of church and state, but this “new world order” thing is demonizing religion of any kind (except Islam).
Political correctness says that we should NOT ‘profile’ people. That is absolutely absurd. Of course we profile people as well as situations within our environment. If we are in a situation we perceive to be threatening, we are ‘profiling’ the situation, and as such those within it. If we are not able to profile, the government is dictating that we are no longer permitted to be aware of our surroundings, including those who might do us harm.
Example #1:
You are walking down a dark street at night and are approached by several black men. They are wearing suits and carrying brief cases. If you immediately assume that they want to do you harm, you may be guilty of ‘racial profiling’. However, if the several black men are wearing pants that hang down to the ground, are all wearing large fake gold chains and medallions, have their hats on backwards, gold teeth blazing; you should probably be alert to the “potential” of being attacked, robbed, and possibly beaten or killed. This means you are being AWARE!
Example #2:
You are in an airport (at the gate) and you notice several Muslim men gathering, laying out their prayer rugs and praying before boarding the flight. You hear them and realize they are saying “Allah is Great” repeatedly in their prayer. If you become concerned, are you racially profiling, or are you simply being aware of the potential threat, especially given the fact that all radical Muslims are dedicated to killing us all? In support of ‘profiling’ I offer this story that appeared in the news today (December 26, 2009):

Authorities Hunt for Clues Behind Foiled Terror Attack on Plane Saturday , December 26, 2009
Police in the U.K. are searching a number of locations in connection with an alleged attempt to blow up a jet carrying 278 people as it landed in Detroit, while authorities meet with a Nigerian banker that may be the father of the suspect. Multiple law enforcement officials identified the suspect in Friday's attempted attack as Nigerian national, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab. He was reportedly an engineering student at London's University College. U.S. authorities claim he has links to Al Qaeda and are working with London Metropolitan police to search addresses with possible connections to the suspected terror attack.Former bank official Alhaji Umaru Mutallab says he traveled from his home in the Nigeria's Muslim-dominated north to meet officials in Abuja, the capital. The elder Mutallab says his son left London to travel, though he did not know where to."I believe he might have been to Yemen, but we are investigating to determine that," Mutallab said. The suspect's family is reportedly wealthy and that the apartment he was living in is in an upscale building.
Mutallab was apprehended by fellow passengers and crew on flight 253, from Amsterdam to Detroit yesterday, as he tried to detonate an incendiary device of powder and liquid strapped to his leg. The mixture failed to explode properly but caught fire, leaving him with third degree burns, the London Times reports. Mutallab has reportedly told investigators he is linked to Al Qaeda and obtained the explosives in Yemen.
One law enforcement official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said Mutallab's name had surfaced earlier on at least one U.S. intelligence database, but he was not on a watch list or a no-fly list.
The bottom line is that the government should not and can not pass laws that govern our very thoughts, fears, or even our prejudices. It is time to put the safety of the American people first. It is far better to have a Muslim group “offended” than several hundred (or even thousand) dead Americans!
Do away with special interest legislation
Require that all new legislation be limited to the subject matter of the title of the legislation. In other words, don’t allow a bill titled “Cap and Trade” to include special interest ‘amendments’ that might provide a given Senator or Congressman with another sweetheart deal for his home town, like bridges to nowhere, stadium deals, union contracts, etc. Additionally, it would be helpful to require that the title of any new bill be fully descriptive of the intent and purpose of the proposed legislation. For example, the so-called Cap and Trade bill should be called the ‘Cap emissions to allow the sale of non-compliance and tax the citizens to pay for all the costs” bill.
Require reviews (every 5 years or so) to identify past legislation that no longer is applicable; and if not applicable, require that the legislation be repealed. There are many laws still ‘on the books’ from 50, 100, 150 years ago.
Take action to preserve our American way of life
We should be taking real and definite steps to stop illegal immigrants from entering our country, and take necessary steps to deport those who are here illegally. There should be NO amnesty for illegal aliens (who under the current political correctness doctrine are known as ‘undocumented residents’) period! While this may seem harsh, it is required if there are to be any Americans who understand, care about, and are willing to fight to preserve the American way of life. Also, as harsh as it might seem, illegals should not get benefits from our health system, school system, or any other social system in place. Illegal Aliens should be prohibited from filing lawsuits against employers or caregivers in this country. Rather than spending the billions of dollars per year we currently spend taking care of these illegal aliens, we should treat each and every one of them to a train ride, automobile ride, Trans-Atlantic oceanic passage, or airplane ticket (all one-way) back to their country of origin once they are found to be in this country illegally. If there are children of an illegal alien who have been born here, they should NOT have automatic citizenship. They should have to apply for it, along with their parents.
Elected offices
While most offices (elected) have terms, not all have limits.
Some Senators hold office for life. The power they collect over the years is overwhelming. They are paid exorbitant amounts of money during (and after) their terms have come to an end. This helps to create the debt that the taxpayers must pay. These benefits are paid regardless of the performance of the official. This type of system promotes the desire to run for office, not to serve the people, but to serve the candidate. How many ‘average wealth’ politicians do you know of? Most politicians end up (if not start out) continuing their profession because of the power they have while in office. Power is something that ‘someone’ is going to have; the key is for the people to have the power to remove those who would abuse it. We do this through the election process.
Unfortunately, not all who should be removed from power are actually removed. This is part of the imperfection of our form of Government, yes, but it is definitely better than other forms of government.

Require that any politician who is adjudicated as guilty of fraud, bribe taking, obstruction of justice, or selling his power for profit be immediately removed from office and prohibit that politician from holding any public office in the future.

5. In an effort to protect our way of life, we should do away with any political correctness, especially as it pertains to the threat from Muslim extremists. These people have declared over and over that they are out to dominate us and our country and we are helping them do it. I don’t think that the Constitution or those who wrote it, were aware of the potential threat from this group of Jihadists. Muslims are told by some of their clerics to “make him your friend and then kill him”. Would our founding fathers have written something to protect those who would kill them? I don’t think so. However, they (wisely) provided for freedom of speech, religious beliefs, for Americans, as a direct result of the oppressive British government which wanted to dominate its subjects and their beliefs. I am quite sure that the founding fathers would have inserted language in that article that would prevent radical Muslims (or any other radical group) from infiltrating, recruiting, and poisoning the world against all that they (the founding fathers) had fought for so gallantly. At the time the constitution was written, it took quite a bit more than a couple of hours to get to our shores and there were no Iphones, Blackberrys, internet, TV, radio being used as tools of indoctrination. The constitution was (and is) not perfect, but it was, and is a great place to start to protect that for which the founding fathers sacrificed so much.

6. Do Not Close Guantanamo! We are in need of a safe, offshore facility to house the enemy that we capture. This latest attack (flight 253) only goes to prove that we are going to be attacked again, and again, by Muslim extremists and GITMO is the perfect place to detain them.

They should all be subject to Military Tribunal, not Courts in the US with all the protections reserved for US citizens. This last idiot, (a 23 year old Nigerian) suffered burns on his legs due to the failure of his bomb (intended to kill 270 innocent travelers). He was taken to one of the best burn centers in the US, and according to his Court appointed attorney (for which we, his enemies pay), he may need skin grafts (also at our expense). He will be tried in a Federal (civilian) court when he has admitted, even bragged about being a member of Al-Queda and his intention to kill as many Americans as possible. Our illustrious president will not even refer to this terrorist as a ‘terrorist’. He still calls him a suspect, or an “isolated extremist.” With all due respect, Mr. President: the man is a TERRORIST! Obama Care will pay all of his medical expenses…hell, Obama may even decide to adopt the terrorist and turn him into a basketball star!

7. We need to elect those who would uphold our constitution and who have the vision and compassion to know when to enhance it. We do NOT need any more politicians who take the oath to uphold, and then totally disregard the founding documents of our great country. We also have no use for elected officials who lie about their background, beliefs, political agenda, experience, place of birth and their past and present political and personal affiliations.

8. In the fall elections of 2010, get rid of all politicians who would “fundamentally change the United States of America”, and replace them with patriots whose roots are in this country and those who believe in the ideals upon which it was built. If it means that (for a time) we have to appear ‘politically incorrect’, or insensitive, or even bigoted, so be it! We are in a war that we did not ask for but one that we had better acknowledge because to ignore this (these attacks) is to surrender. In 2012, we should make sure than Mr. Obama is a one-term president and take steps in the future to NEVER make the same mistake that was made in 2008.

It is truly unfortunate that the world in which we live is so violent and filled with so many who would see the United State of America come to an end. Those people who are “offshore” have forgotten that without the United States of America, many of them would be speaking another language and would be living under totalitarian regimes. Many of those we saved from tyranny have forsaken us; many of those we have given food and medical care train young men to kill us; many of those for whom our young soldiers have given their lives reject us; many of those who move to our shores do so for the sole purpose of destroying us. The single greatest symbol of one nation’s willingness to help those who need it is the Statue of Liberty with her open arms and torch to light the way to freedom.
But, given the way much of the world sees us today perhaps we should consider putting a sign on her saying “KEEP OUT”.

Those who live within our shores; those who so proudly raise flags of the country of their descendants while defiling the American flag, should be told to leave and their citizenship should be revoked. I’m not suggesting that any citizen who disagrees with something in our laws, or who shows his or her disdain for circumstances, or whose exercise of free speech is in contrast to the ‘norm’ should be considered ‘an enemy of the state’.

No, you know who I mean. Those people who come from the Caribbean Nations and so vigorously espouse the greatness of their home country from which they had to flee on boats and rafts; those from African Nations who use our taxes and the American generosity so completely, yet join or form cults that are devoted to the destruction of our country; those from Middle Eastern countries who come to our shores to take advantage of our higher educational facilities, get assistance as a result of American generosity, and then plot against the very country that gave them their education and freedom.

This country was better at spotting and containing our potential enemies during the so-called “Cold War” than we are today when our enemies are far more recognizable.

I’ve seen video of Black Panthers (during the 2008 election) who were standing in full black uniforms in front of polling places with night sticks in hand in an attempt to intimidate voters into voting for Obama. I’ve seen Black Panthers marching in the streets of Philadelphia where they dragged the American Flag along the street while proudly displaying “their” flag. They then placed the American flag on the street and intimidated people into walking on the American Flag to further desecrate it, yelling down with America. I watched in utter disgust as the video showed them burning our flag.

Well, guess what…..if you don’t like America, get the hell out because we don’t want you here.

All of these enemies are visible, identifiable, vocal, and in plain sight. We can either fight these enemies now with legislation and political moves, or we WILL HAVE to fight them later…..and it may not be with words.


  1. I agree with most of what you have written. A few clareifcations are in order. The seperation of church and state was not ment to keep religion out of our government.In fact, the very essance of our government is founded in christian belief of a central God. If you read the constitution and study the Federalist papers, you will find that seperation of church and state was simply to keep the federal government from establishing on denomination of christianity from being declared as a national religion. the phrase "seperation of church and state" was a misrepresented quote from a letter of concern from a baptist group to Ben Franklin (I believe, but could have been one of our other founding fathers) when they raised concern about them being excluded from a government stated church (denomination). The founding fathers were VERY devout christians (most of them) and included God in the founding documentations. Devine Providence and rights endoude by our Creator are just a couple of examples. I do agree with no state sponsored religion, however have always enjoyed ALL religious decorations and symbols on governmental property. I grew up with the ten commandments in courthouses and christmas decorations on municipal property. Let us celebrate our diversity by enjoying these decorations and teaching of their meaning in public schools.

  2. Keep Gitmo open and expand it. The United Nations, founded on one world
    government, should not be housed on the shores of any soveign nation.
    It should be put on an island where the UN police can protect it. A
    perfect place would be to build it on Gitmo as I don't know of any
    unihabited islands available. The US Marine Corps. is already there and
    can provide protection to all diplomats. The Cubans can use the jobs to
    build a complex of a headquarters, embasseys and housing on the
    military base. No one would need a controversal visa to attend meetings
    at the UN and then visit liberal universities to make speeches about
    anti-American retoric. Those who object to living on campus, could ask
    the Cuban government for permission to live in the Cuban country. I am
    sure they will give them diplomatic immunity while they break local
    laws. Cuban s could work at the UN and earn a substantial improvement
    in their current wages. Others who currently reside in NYC could
    relocate to a new international city at Guantanio and enjoy life on a
    Caribean Island with a much lower cost of living. Can you imagine how
    well you could live in Cuba on a NYC salary? Frankly, I don't see a
    downside. Why even the chefs at Guantanimo are already familiar with
    special diatery needs of some of the diplomats.
    Migrant workers, illegal imigrants, children born on US soil of foreign
    parents. SEND THEM HOME. If you break any other law in the United
    States, you don't receive house, health care and medical aid, you go to
    jail. If there is proof of entering illegally, you leave. PEriod. Ah
    the children born here, they can stay, but the parents relinguish all
    their rights on their way out. OR the children leave with the parents
    and upon turning 18, they and they alone can return to the US as
    natural born citizens at their own expense. If agricultural businesses
    state we need illegals because no American will do the work for the
    same amount of money illegals will, then bring back slavery. Sure it is
    wrong, but nobody else will pick the cotton and tobacco. What did they
    do? They invented machines to pick cotton and tabacco. They can
    manufacture a machine to pick melons and tomatoes OR pay a living wage.
    If that increases the cost of a tomato so be it. I can always grow my
    own. To continue allowing illegals into the country to provide service
    jobs is just as bad as trying to reinstitute slavery!

  3. If the United
    State government can keep the Korean boarder secure for 45+ years, why
    can't we secure our southern boarder? Bring the troops home, all of
    them, from all over the world. We have pilots flying unmanned drones in
    the mideast from a base in Navada, we have spy satalites that can track
    bugs walking on the underside of a leaf halfway around the workd, we
    don't need boots on the ground. We have no need to provide troops to
    any other country. Most don't want us there anyway. I think we can be
    more helpful by funding some (read: very few) well grounded efforts of
    world organizations to assist in educating members of third world
    countries. This country was discovered because Spain was looking for a
    way to the far east without having to deal with the Islamic
    fundimentalists that blocked the overland routh to the far east.
    Islamic fundamentalists have been creating havoic on the world since
    the middle ages! They will not stop now. Look at England, norway and
    Switzerland, all who have welcomes Muslins into their coutry and are
    now dealing with a growning population of home grown mulisn extremists.
    Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims. Profile
    them and weed them out! If the muslins who don't agree with the
    extremist need to take a stand and fight back. They should be sick and
    tired of having their religion hi-jacked by these extremeists and fight
    back to get it.
    One final comment, stop beating up the Israelis from protecting their
    people. The Arab states have refused to help the Palistinians. Most
    PAlastinians are transplants from the other ARab countries. If the
    Arabs are so concerned, why is their a fench and a closed boarder
    between Eygept and Gaza? Why is it that most Palasinians want to travel
    to Israel for jobs and supplies and not to their brothers in Arab
    Read the US Constitution and your State constitution then contact your
    state, local and federal representatives and ask them why they are not
    doing what they were sworn or affirmed to uphold and defend. Don't let
    them off the hook, demand an answer! You have a right under the first
    amendment for the redress of grievences. Demand that they provide you
    an answer, then hold them accountable. Get involved, in your party or
    back candidates from ANY party that will defend the constitution and
    not overstep their authority. Keep silent and rest in peace or take a

  4. Sorry for the clerical and spelling errors above, but I get impassioned with these topics. Then I get frustrated because of constraints of the length of allowed responses. So I save, copy and paste and don't utilize spell checker. I have taken a deep breath and am feeling better now. Thanks.

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