By blaming the previous administration for all of the problems in the world, Obama attempts to remove himself (and his administration) from any responsibility for what is happening now. Almost two years after taking office, and with the economy plunging, job loss at the highest level in years, and after masterminding a government take over of many of our “previously free-market” industries, Obama continues to lie to the American people by saying that HE saved us. He continues to have his disciples promote legislation that is filled with destructive language and the opposition rejects it time after time, giving him some degree of credibility when he calls them the “party of no”. Thank God they say NO!
Obama swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America on January 20th, 2009. Since that time, he has ignored the Constitution whenever it goes against his agenda. Most of these ‘go-rounds’ are, in my opinion, tests to determine the level of outrage among the American people for this type of action. At some point, if the people allow these little ‘pin-pricks’, the Obama administration will plunge a sword of tyranny into the very heart of our beloved country when he thinks the time is right.
By furthering the disillusionment of the public, the Obama administration believes it gains greater control over the people. Keeping unemployment high, earnings low, and the “American dream” out of reach for most of the population, the government assures its role as “savior” of the masses, and its existence in perpetuity. The government will become the great provider of goods, as well as services, including medical care (under Obama care). Once their agenda has been fully realized, there will be no turning back! This country has always succeeded based upon competition in the market place. The ability of the citizens to ‘choose’ is what made companies offer better products and services. Under the Obama agenda, there will be no need for the provider (the government) to compete with anyone and therefore the goods and services received will be less than what we, as Americans, have come to expect.
Throughout our history (United States), the loyalty of our citizens could always be depended upon to defend us from tyranny from within, and tyranny or attack from outside sources. Regardless of our differences, we were all “Americans” and would gather to defend our country from any and all of our common enemies. Those who are out to destroy us now understand that and so they promote emigration to the US by young men and women seeking ‘education’ in our country, or employment, or those who espouse a desire to live the “American Dream”. The tyrants within, promote this influx of foreigners into our midst as it serves to dilute the population, and therefore the common spirit mentioned above becomes less of a factor. This would of course, make the taking-over of our country far less problematic for them. If Adolf Hitler would have sent hundreds of thousands of young German (Nazi) men and women throughout Europe and instruct them to assimilate into the various societies while preaching their doctrine, and marrying their prey; and if he had the patience to wait 15-20 years, he could have taken over Europe without ever firing a shot!
The independence of our citizens has always been promoted and protected through the private business sector. The individual’s competitive spirit, the push for success is what made this country the greatest nation in the world. The Obama group would see this changed, and is attempting to change it by government bailouts (definition-‘take-over’) of private industries, government guaranteed loans to those who will NEVER be in a position to repay those loans, mortgages extended (again) to people who can not afford to own a home, and more and more entitlement programs that are destined to bankrupt us and make the ultimate take-over far easier. They are doing everything they can to disembowel our private sector since it is one of the major obstacles they face in the ultimate conquest of the United States of America.
While it is true that our economy was in trouble before the Obama group took power, it is also potentially true that they (the Obama group) followed their own advice i.e. ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ and decided that curing the problems would only make the American people feel stronger, so they decided to exacerbate the issue by putting us further in debt and by doing so, assure the economic failure of our country.
This concept is so ingenious; it is almost to be admired. This President, being half-black (or bi-racial), was supposed to help America completely transcend the racial divides we have suffered with for so many years. What has this group done? The absolute and direct opposite! Obama and his cronies have dismantled 50 years of progress in one ‘election‘ day. They have made bigots out of people who never thought of themselves as such, and rather than empowering blacks to be proud, he has made many arrogant and demanding. Case is point is the Black Panther video at the Philadelphia polling place. Arrogant, threatening, ignorant attempts at intimidating voters to vote for Obama that has gone unpunished by the black Attorney General of the United States of America. This man also took an oath to uphold the Constitution and he has also failed to do so. In addition to dividing the population racially, they (the Obama group) have also set out to divide us religiously, culturally, ethnically, and by national loyalty. American kids get sent home from school for proudly displaying the American Flag on “Cinco de Mayo”! Give me a break! Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday, not an American holiday, and while I certainly support the rights of those of Mexican descent to celebrate it, I am appalled that our government would support the forcing of our citizens to refrain from wearing our “colors” to avoid offending the Mexicans. And yes, our government supported it if only by remaining silent.
The same is true of the placement of so many Mosques within our borders. Many of these Mosques are safe havens for those who would kill us and see our country destroyed, yet our government protects their ‘rights’, even to the detriment of the rights of our own citizens who are not our to destroy our country. Our government has failed to protect our southern border even in the face of gunfire crossing into our country from their battles with the drug cartels. In their effort to ‘build’ their own voting base, the Obama group turns a blind eye towards illegal aliens coming into our country. They fail to act even in the aftermath of an American Citizen being murdered on his own property in Arizona by an illegal immigrant. Rather than secure our border, they post signs warning AMERICANS to stay out of certain areas because those areas are being ‘controlled’ by drug cartels….in AMERICA!
Those Cartels also smuggle people across our border, many of them are radical Muslims who seek to gain entry so that they can attack us from within our borders, and yet the Obama group does nothing about it, except to file suit against Arizona for taking necessary action to protect its citizens. The Mexicans have put out contracts on our elected officials, Obama does nothing, says nothing. Illegal immigrants march on our streets with Mexican flags flying and posters and banners declaring their illegal status, as well as their intentions to take Arizona, California, Texas ‘back into Mexico’. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! War has been declared on the United States of America by factions in Mexico, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia and the list goes on. What does Obama do? He sends money to Mexico, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and let’s not forget his home town in Kenya that got 23+/- million dollars to fund abortion clinics.
The Second amendment to our Constitution guarantees our citizens the right to bear arms. We all know that. The reason that right was given was to protect the citizens FROM THE GOVERNMENT! Our founding fathers had declared independence from a tyrannical king who sought to impose his will on the colonies, using whatever force was necessary. Knowing that tyranny is possible again, the founding fathers said that the American citizens should have the right to keep and bear arms. The Obama group seeks to disarm the public which would of course, serve them well should Obama declare martial law.
Once the Obama group has succeeded in creating the level of hatred among the population he deems necessary for his agenda; black against white; Hispanic against American; religion against religion, the country could be thrown into chaos including riots, battles, skirmishes between citizen groups, etc. At that point, Obama might be justified in declaring Martial Law in America. Some of the population might even want it due to the chaos in the streets. Once Martial Law is declared, Obama and his group have free passage to reach their goal of the ‘Fundamental transformation of the United States of America”! Do you remember that speech? Do you remember what you were led to believe it meant? Do you now recognize what he really meant?
Since the beginning of his administration we have seen:
• Voting Rights infringed upon by left-wing radicals aka the
New Black Panthers
• Case dropped against the New Black Panthers
• Internal Justice Dept. memo indicating that cases should NOT be pursued
where the victim is white and the perpetrator is black
• Protection of rights under the first amendment for Mexicans,
whether in the country legally or not while the rights of Americans
under the first amendment are violated
• Our government has been caught in more lies in the past 18 months
than under any previous administration. The administration has
violated our constitution and continues to ignore it (and us as citizens)
on a daily basis.
• We have listened to this President (and his disciples and family)
tell us all that we should ‘tighten our belts’, while he and they
spend millions of our tax dollars on frivolous and unnecessary travel,
parties, contributions to our enemies, etc.
• We have witnessed the government infringing on individual
property rights, if only for the purpose of ‘testing the waters’
in preparation for the ‘big push’ after he can declare martial law.
• We have witnessed our government promote the interests and desires
of our enemies over those of our own citizens. Mosque at ground zero,
Muslim enclaves living by and enforcing Sharia law within our cities and
towns, Illegal Mexican immigrants working in our country and sending that
money back to Mexico, Mexican bandits keeping our own citizens out of
places within OUR borders, and the list of atrocities goes on.
It is time for Americans to remember why it was formed, what it took to form it, the lives that have been lost defending it, and to muster the patriotism, devotion, and willingness to defend it with our lives if necessary. We can begin the taking back of our country in November 2010 by weeding out the progressives who are helping Obama in his quest to conquer America.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
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